I’ve been called a Buddha. Not because of my enlightenment. Because of my size. Ok, somewhat because I have some wisdom – but I’m still no Buddha. However, I do have the kind of wisdom that comes from learning life lessons that truly make you see the Yin and Yang that bring you inner peace,…
You’ll never make a bold move, take that risk, or do what you say you’re going to do unless you just say, screw it, good enough is good enough. But why do we not let that truly be our mantra? Why can’t we just say I’m going to take action, do what needs to be…
My ego has almost killed me. Several times in my life. Then I started to see it as a wake up call to bigger things. To more honest and authentic ways of showing up in the world. It still gets in the way, but what happens when you finally realize your ego can be your…
Sure gay marriage is a constitutional right…at least for now. And if you monitor pop culture, you might think that LGBTQ folks are just a standard presence, so why are we still having this conversation. The truth is, 42 percent of LGBT — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender — adults experience workplace discrimination. 85 percent of…
Have you ever really thought about what you wear and the signal that sends out to the world? Are you buttoned up, or super stylish? Frumpy or making a statement? It’s very interesting to observe the world of our clothing and to see if it is projecting our true selves or if we are living…
Do the time. Tow the line. And of course, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” All great words of wisdom. But when you’re in the struggle, no words seem to do the trick. That’s why changing your perspective, and seeing struggle as a gift can make all the difference in the world.…
The imprints we leave with the words we use can scar anyone for life, but for sure, the words a parent says can have a huge impact. Listen to learn how a Father may have just set the tone for his son’s life with the simple choice of Chicken Tacos. Website Twitter Facebook
You do what you believe you’re meant to do – follow a certain career path, pursue the love of your life, build a family you’ve always dreamed of, and plan for retirement. That’s all good, but what happens when you still feel empty, unfulfilled, and no joy? Or even better yet, what happens when you…
Nothing happens until you allow the “un-” in your life to be part of the journey. What is the “un-“? You’re just going to have to listen and learn why the “un-‘s” are such an important part of doing anything in life, especially, anything worth doing! Website Twitter Facebook
It’s hot. You’re cranky. Hormones are raging. You’re not pregnant. Your body says it going to mess with ya on a daily basis. And on top of that you just feel like you need a IV of Martini’s to make it through the day. Hello! Welcome to menopause…and boy does that closet suck. But not…
On our last Riff and Rant, I shared 5 comparisons for determining how to say a BOLD NO! You could actually use those to say YES too. However, this week I provide you with 5 questions to ask yourself when you need to make a BOLD MOVE to say YES. Website Twitter Facebook
What turns you on? Sex? Passions? Dreams? Or maybe it’s living a nomad, gypsy like life where you allow life to just take you where it feels right. Everything from your career and goals to how you love as a polyamorous person, to being cozy in your bisexuality. Yeah. It’s totally about living life based…
Have you ever found yourself saying, “No,” and then realizing you wish you’d said yes. Or maybe, doing the reverse. Saying “Yes,” when you wish you’d said, “No?” Of course you have. We all do. In fact I just did it this week and it got me thinking, “Rick, you gotta learn to say No!”…
What is my passion? Why do I struggle to follow mine? Is passion necessary for me to have a happy life? These are all questions that most of us ask ourselves each and every day in the pursuit of passion and purpose. But what do you do when you find passion elusive? You make it…
It’s spring. Bold colors are starting to pop up everywhere you look (hopefully). And, with the onset of spring it got me thinking, what does BOLD mean to me, and why is it important to really understand that for myself. In today’s rant and riff I share my perspective of the word BOLD. Yes those…