Audacity – the willingness to take risks. In my book it’s really the willingness to not give a damn what others think and to be yourself. This has showed up in a lot of ways this week – with clients, myself, my kids, and a few friends. Everyone questioning their ability to be who they…
Imagine living in a town that is literally for all intents and purposes a suburb of Chicago. There’s only one twist…it’s in Indiana. A state where individuals can be fired from jobs for being gay. A state where an evangelical Christian was elected governor and now is the nation’s Vice President. A man who as…
For the past few weeks I’ve been listening to Oprah and Deepak Chopra’s latest meditation series, “Hope in uncertain times!” It got me think how we can use hope as our guide to come out of our closets to live a rich beautiful bold life. A life uncloseted. Join me as I share why I find…
One of the hardest things about coming out of any closet in life, is realizing that the closet door only opens when you truly love who you are fully and completely. However, most of us would say, “Yes, but easier said than done!” And, that’s how the spiral begins where we don’t exercise self-care and…
What do you do when you’ve been dealing with an irrational person? You riff and rant about it on your podcast. And that’s exactly what is happening on The Coming Out Lounge podcast today. I’m giving you a glimpse of my personal life and using it as a teaching/mentoring moment to help you learn three…
It’s been said that life imitates art, but sometimes art imitates life. And that’s exactly where we are going today on The Coming Out Lounge, to a place where art takes us into the provocative life of The Victorians. Our guest, Dwight Gabbert, created this film as a bid to celebrate homosexuality and LGBT rights…
Security. Certainty. Having to know. We all desire some form or feeling secure. Whether it’s in ourselves, the future, our relationships, or even in our homes. Security gives a sense of knowing. But what if you can’t get to that sense of security? Today’s rant is all about “To be secure, or not to be…
We all are who we are. No getting around that. Even if we put on makeup, false smiles, and act as if we’re really happy, even when we’re not. But, it’s time to take a deeper look into ourselves and embrace that we do belong, we are enough, and there are plenty of wild flowers…
There’s a lot of hubbub these days about the Transgender community. Everything from where they can go pee to whether they should be vanquished off the face of the other. Too many times they are assumed to be misfits, and weirdos who just love to crossdress and worst of all they are assumed to be…
Her daughter always caught the boy’s eyes. In return, she knew how to flirt, date, and do everything a normal young lady would do growing up. She was active in school, a social butterfly, and pretty much your average kid. College came and then so did a new development and we’re not talking anything hormonal.…
Life happens, someone gives you a wrong look, or the shit hits your fan, and BOOM you react! Or, do you respond? One of the clutches of living a CLOSETED LIFE is living in a reactive state rather than a responsive state. I know! I’m a reactor! I own it, I admit it, I am…
You don’t have to be a genius to understand that regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity, showing your real self to the world can sometimes be a very scary proposition. The fears of rejection and not being good enough throw us into the corner of the closet where we put on our multiple…
We’ve all got needs and desires. But one guy on this planet really nutted this concept down to 6 Human Needs. That guy is Tony Robbins and I have to say, when I saw this YouTube Video with his take on the 6 Human Needs I thought, damn, I really need to give a f*ck about…
Two questions that always haunt those of us who come out of the closet later in life are, “How did you not know you were gay?” and “Wasn’t your marriage just sham to protect yourself at your spouse’s expense?” For years and years those questions haunted me and I thought I was the only one…
We’ve all heard it – “Change your perspective and everything changes!” So if it is that easy then why don’t we do it? Often times it is because we don’t know how to change our perspective, even if staying in our current perspective is painful. Then one day, BOOM, you can no longer endure the…