Glam rock, AIDS, and being yourself. Then imagine being called one of the most iconic queer musicians and you’ve kind of got a glimpse of today’s guest. Fabulous, fun, and willing to put it all out there in his music and his life, Tim Cain is on the brink of releasing what some are calling…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day. May your day be filled with everything GREEN, excpet being GREEN WITH ENVY! Envy is one of those emotions that doesn’t do a body good in any way, shape or form. In fact it often destroys us. So in honor of it being green day, and I don’t mean the band…
Coming out is about bringing all sides of yourself to the role you’ve been placed on this earth to play. It’s also about being optimistic and carefree with a purpose. It’s about being you, the real you, 24/7 even if that means being a goofball and asking yourselves and others the questions, no one else…
My teens favorite response to questions is “I don’t know!” Ok, I get it, sometimes we don’t know, but is that really true 100% of the time? To often “I don’t know” becomes a habitual patterned response so that we can avoid dealing with the stuff that we don’t want to deal with. But what…
We’ve all got a story. A story to uncover, to share, and to help others. Each and every story has purpose. Yet, if we don’t share our stories, or ourselves, and the world doesn’t benefit, and we have less impact, being who we are meant to be in the world. So starting today, be open…
We’ve all been given a gift. The gift of time. Yes, I know I’m not the first the say that, nor the last. But have you ever considered how time might be keeping in a closet of your life? Holding you back from doing the things that light you up and make you come alive?…
From baseball to ballet. Video games to theater productions. First picked to last picked. And even from “A’s to F’s” we are who we are because of messages we received on the playgrounds of our lives. Messages that impact our spiritual ability to accept who we are and to thrive in the possibility of who…
You gotta itch that needs scratching. It’s something you desire and want. But in your lovely little mind you find yourself saying, “When the time is right…” Ok. Fine. Wait for the right time. So you wait and then along comes the RIGHT TIME, it knocks at your door and bada bing, bada boom, YOU…
Let’s talk about sex. Or love. Or relationships. And while we’re at it lets address guilt, shame, frustrations, abusive relationships, and STD’s. YES! We’re talking about all those things that sometimes feel yucky and uncomfortable to talk about. Yet, when we do talk about these things, life gets so much more interesting and we learn...
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You are not your thoughts!” Or maybe, you heard, “You are what you think!” Both are correct, but it is hard for us to wrap our head around that concept. With over 70,000 thoughts rushing through our heads, any given day, how can we not be our thoughts? Today we…
Imagine being in the national spotlight. In The Real World (yes that one on MTV). You’re a frat boy who’s simply cuter-than-cupid and to start that next chapter of your life. So what is one such as he supposed to do? It’s Simple. Be BOLD. In Davis Mallory’s case, his big bold move isn’t getting…
If I had never been curious, I might never have come out of the closet. If I had never been curious, I wouldn’t have risked becoming an entrepreneur If I had never been curious, I never would have said, “Welcome to The Coming Out Lounge!” For me, curiosity brings me alive. In fact curiosity brought me…
No matter what life hands you, you have within you the spirit to rise, to rewrite the outcome of your story and to create a life filled with love and happiness. That is if you choose to do so. At age 13, today’s guest was lost, and facing the worst of what the world and…
I’m airing my dirty laundry so to speak. This happened because I realized I’m kind of a reaction junkie. Yes, I think I’m a little bit addicted to reacting versus responding. Although, both serve great purposes in our lives, when used incorrectly, reactions speak louder than words and f*ck up our words as well. Today…
Just for a moment imagine you’re a highly sought after photographer, shooting for media outlets such as the BBC, BuzzFeed, National Geographic Traveler, USA Today, and Yahoo – among others. You’re even one of Maria Shriver’s Architects for Change. But behind it all, you’re hiding in a closet of pain, loss, and grief…yet no one knows the…