We’ve all got coming out stories. That’s what I preach, that’s what I teach, and that’s what I help people do is come out with their truth. But as a man, I’d have to admit, if it were true that my boner was broken, I’d have a hard time swallowing my pride (no pun intended)…
You never stop coming out. And, that isn’t just a mantra for the LGBTQ community. It’s a mantra for life. So for a moment imagine being on a path, doing the thing you think you’re supposed to be doing, and then someone tells you the only way to get where you’re going is to “suck!”…
One of the things we all need as we come out to be our true selves – regardless of our sexual orientation – is a safe, welcoming space. Often that comes in the form of a community of like-minded individuals. But too often, even in our own communities, we find that we don’t fit in…
It’s no secret that America’s recent Presidential Election sent got a lot of us scratching our heads, saying, “What the FUCK just happened?” And for others it sent a cry of jubilation across the country because they feel like their voices finally got heard. Regardless of which camp you stand in, at least for now,…
The song lyrics say, “A kiss is just a kiss.” But how true is that? What if that kiss is unwanted? Suddenly, a sense of danger or helplessness rears its ugly head and things could suddenly go awry, in much the same way many of us feel helplessness and danger in our coming out journeys…
No one coming out story is alike. The pain, the fears, the truth, are all individual. Each with its own heart wrenching story, and heartwarming lessons to be learned. Yet, often times, what ignites the coming out story, is often tragedy…fatal tragedies. In 1999, Ed Devitt II was a young teen trying to find himself…
Imagine. Joan Crawford, of Mommie Dearest fame, being your mother and you announcing to her…”Mommie, mommie I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender…” what might happen. Then imagine the real message she want’s you to hear is to go out there and be brash, be bold, and just be you. In her new book, Mommie Smearest: See…
Change is inevitable. Suffering is optional. In a week where fear, angst, and worry are all top of mind for LGBTQ individuals as well as women, Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, and the list goes on…the one comfort we can lean into is our strength in numbers. We can also lean into our trust in humanity.…
There’s a saying that women should be seen but not heard. Well, that’s ridiculous, archaic, and downright infuriating. It’s also that type of attitude that keeps women from saying what they desire and need, which also then creates a trickle down affect that impacts generations to come. So let’s change the dialogue. Let’s give not…
Yes, being LGBTQ is all about sex. Wrong! It’s about being the real you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be sexy, and love yourself, your whole self and that means even loving the way you fit your cheeky booty and package into a nice fitting pair of undies. In fact, I’d encourage you to…
The moment you discover your sexual orientation, align with your gender identity, or decide that you’re just going to take a stand to be who you are, you’ve stepped into the arena of diversity. Yup even if you’re not coming out of the closet to say “Hey there, I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender,” when…
One of the things most of us don’t realize is when we come out of the closet, we just might spark a burning flame – and I don’t just mean our LGBTQ flame. The flame I’m talking about is the flame to have our own voice…a voice that maybe no one has ever heard us…
Just because the doctor said, “It’s a boy,” or “It’s a girl,” doesn’t mean you have to or should buy into that notion, until you’ve determined it’s true. And, just because the physical self might manifest a penis or a vagina, doesn’t necessarily mean that penis is attached to a boy or that vagina is…
Let’s be honest. A majority of LGBTQ individuals find themselves at the crossroads of their faith and their sexuality. In fact, most of us, find that faith often condemns us to a life of living in sin…or at least that’s what most would have us believe. Yet, we still want to keep that connection with…
Do you ever feel like you’re on the relationship merry-go-round, the “same situation, just a different face?” Gets tiring, doesn’t it? So let’s fix that, and fix it now as you step out of the closet and step into your powerful self. So where do you start? You start by mastering self-love which is one…