Coming Out!Scary, exciting, and it can be traumatic…but it doesn’t have to!Admit it! The thought of coming out can be one of the scariest things you’ll ever do in your life. Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. The fact that you’re going to make a statement to your public – family, friends, acquaintances...
Lights, Camera, Action… You’re ready for your close-up, and to come out! What do acting, an NYU Graduate Acting Program professor, and an on-camera performance have to do with coming out? Well, you’ll just have to see what we’ve scripted for the Coming Out Lounge this week. You won’t be disappointed in this show…pun intended!…
It’s time to come out and play. Play with the inner child that we’ve left behind. You know the one that may very possibly be left in the closet that we thought we’ve stepped out of in our quest to be our fully, accepting, sexual self. There are stories we carry which are in need…
What happens when the guy named one of the Must Follow Marketing Minds of 2014 shows up on the air of the coming out lounge? Dot’s get connected, and the homogenized way of being in the world get’s thrown out the door. Enter a big diva in his own right, without the swelled ego to…
Welcome to Truth-tinis. These delicious little martinis for life’s challenges are designed to help you get your truth on, so that you can step out of the closets of your life freed from feelings of guilt, shame, and not good enough. Truth-tinis are bitesized versions of the coming out lounge that are servied with quick…
Gay marriage is a reality. It’s now become the fabric of our lives in 37 states and 18 countries across the globe. For those who are young and just venturing into the world of LGBT dating and mating, these are momentous times. Life without the freedom to marry as a same sex couple is almost…
One Question! Are you the gay man that wants more community and who’s ready to experience gay culture in a way that is free from the stereotypes that corporations, media, and money have told us who to be? Maybe you feel like it’s time to draw aline in the sand and become the community we…
What would it feel like to be an empowered LGBT person, awakened to your truth, knowing that you are perfect, just as you are. Truth is, you already are. This week, the Coming Out Lounge is focused on providing you with tools to transform, give you the support you need to make positive changes, and…
Cynthia Morris believes everyone needs to liberate his or her creative genius and come out! Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, a writer, artist, entrepreneur, you need to follow your original impulse to turn your dreams into exiting realities – even if that exciting reality means saying, “I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender!” Thus, the…
Gay men are a gift! Not just to other gay men, but to the world at large. Sound crazy? It’s not. All of us as human beings are gifts to the world in our own unique way, and gay men are no different. Yet, there’s something special that gay men possess that often makes the…
You’ve been waiting to come out. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are in high gear. Possibly, you’ve been experimenting with same sex encounters, but you wouldn’t necessarily consider it dating. Finally, you’ve said the words, “I’m gay,” and now it’s time to find your Mr. or Mrs. Right. Let the dating games begin. Known as…
Call it cravings or desires, we humans want what we want when we want it! Yet, being our sexual selves aren’t just a craving, it’s who we are at our core. But, what about that desire to come out of the closet? That innate urge to just be who we are? How does sex, food,…
Pretending To Be Who You’re Not Is Scarier Than Being Who You’re Truly Meant To Be! In a world of reality TV Shows, tabloid magazines, and “Drink This Magic Elixir And Lose 25 Pounds Overnight,” is it really all that surprising that we’re driven to live life’s pretending to be something that we’re not? It’s…
Do you really have to choose between your God and your inner spirit? Some say yes, others say no. Then there are those who say, let’s see what happens if you try to make it work. But how? In reality, sexuality, spirituality, and a relationship with your creator should be a personal journey. So how…
First you “come out,” then you find a mate, then you mate. Simple right? Not exactly! Choosing to be a parent, takes a lot of strength, patience, and love. Especially when you’re a LGBT couple wanting to start a family. Do you adopt or surrogate? How do you make the decision? What kind of communication…