From bullying to finally accepting their truth as an LGBTQ+ individuals, teens and parents often struggle with the journey and can even think that they are alone. In celebration of National Coming Out Day, we are proving you are not alone. Author and LMFT Psychotherapist, John Sovec shares his new book, “Out: A Parent’s Guide...
There’s a simple phrase that if we all embraced, would make the world a better place, “You be You!” Of course, we rarely allow others to be themselves and then we wonder why we have to dress up as being someone we’re not to please others. Today’s guest has done her fair share of dressing...
We never really understand our inherent bias until we understand our inherent bias. Fellow Podcaster Bruce Anthony, comes clean about his own homophobia and how it has enabled him to step beyond the judgments and open up to empathy and understanding so that he can continue to lean into other perspectives of life. About Bruce...
He spent most his life living to the faith that was drilled into his head, always believing this was the way, until it no longer was. Through this thought-provoking and inspiring conversation about overcoming religious constraints, embracing personal growth, finding peace, and aligning with one’s authentic self, Victor Diaz share the transformative power of breaking...
From the scars of life at an early age – literal scars – Gayle Petrillo has dealt with being different. Physically different. yet, in all her life of making first impressions, the one she most had to make with herself, of accepting herself, just as she was. Sharing her closet story of being a burn...
Many LGBTQ+ individuals struggle with the question, “How do I show up at work, and as a leader, while still being true to myself as a queer person?” The answer, “Your way, on your terms!” Jim Fielding, author of the brand new book, ALL PRIDE, NO EGO: A Queer Executive’s Journey to Living and Leading...
There’s something absolutely beautiful about stepping into the light of our truth and coming out of the closet. That light is you being you at your soul level. Dr Roger Leslie joins us on the podcast today to shed light on how you can step into the light of you and be your most authentic...
Guilt, shame, anxiety, depression. These are some of the most common traits affecting the LGBTQ community as a whole. Today, my guest Nick Santo, Psychotherapist, and I share our own experiences on our journeys to combat these issues as well as provide ways to step into self-love and self-awareness to enrich who we are as...
We all have trauma. Yes, that’s a truth. But if you don’t embrace that truth, you are actually causing more trauma to yourself. Guiding the direction of unpacking trauma as a LGBTQ+ individual, Riana Milne (CCTP-II) brings her expertise of facing our traumas and learning the power of holding hands and moving beyond them. This...
We all have many layers and facets to who we are as human beings. Yet, we hide some parts and voices of ourselves. How fun is that? Instead when we unleash all aspects of ourselves into the world we discover the power of living our truth and being exactly who we’re meant to be. Dr....
Just because a guy is not the epitome of masculinity doesn’t mean he isn’t a man. Yet, so many sensitive men get given a bad rap – especially gay men, but even more so the straight guys who get mislabeled as gay because they are sensitive guys. Author William Allen shares his new book Confessions...
Baseball and a love for country music. That’s about as heteronormative as… Wait that would be generalizing and putting someone in a box, which is not we want in the LGBTQ+ community. So why would you think a major league baseball player, and country singer doesn’t really fit the gay box. Because that is making...
Using her own life experience of trauma – coming out late in life, hiding herself for years, and then a traumatic brain injury, Sarah Salisott is now on a mission to helps parents and children navigate past the traumas to live their best lives. Here is her coming out story. About Sarah Sarah is a...
Born with the gene of needing to make everyone like you, this Tomboy was afraid of being abandoned and being alone. She lived her life as a chameleon, blending in to keep the peace and make everyone happy. That trauma lead to mental, and physical pain until she finally did the work she needed to...
Rick DellaRatta is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, who believes the only way to bring peace to the world is to unite is all in our empathy and understanding of one another. Share himself and his music today on the podcast Rick takes us on a journey of why embracing the LGBTQ+ community is...