It’s National Coming Out Day! The Day that we celebrate individuals who’s found their voice, and who’ve taken a stand to say, “Closet dwelling, no longer works for me!” One of the key ways to overcoming our fears as LGBT individuals, is to find our voice, and say, “I matter and here’s why!” As a…
Coming out is a move beyond fear, pain, and resentment. It’s also a move towards forgiving one’s self and others, so that you can move forward into your intended place of being you, just as you are, in this world. The question becomes, how do you do this? Enter Darren Pierre…author of Invitation to Love:…
Sometimes the patterns in our life become unconsciously repeatable. Then, one day we wake up we’re ready for our true close-up! Today’s guest knows exactly what it means to focus in on the close-up, the close-up of ones life, so that you can capture just the right moment to finally break the pattern and step…
He’s a happily married, gay man, to his husband David. They’ve been together almost a decade. Although life didn’t always look like this, nor did his authenticity ever quite show up in this way. In what feels like another life, he was a Baptist pastor, married to a woman and raising three kids. After a…
Shame. Fat, thin. Tall, short. Rich, poor. Every person on the planet in some way has experienced SHAME! Then there’s that wonderful thing that we live in…our body! Shall we get the shame talk going about that one? Never thin enough. Skin’s to white, skin’s to dark. Smiles to crooked. Teeth aren’t white enough. Pec’s…
Let’s talk spiritual trauma! What is that you say? We’ll you’ll just have to listen to find out. But here’s a little preview. Imagine you feel lost in the after years of Catholic inspired guilt, and have little use for “God” as defined by a parent. Better yet, maybe you’ve spent your whole life, filled…
What do you do when you find yourself struggling to assimilate into the way the gay world is? Fight it? Run from it? In Adam’s case, he took his background as in sexual health education and counseling to support his devotion to help individuals heal and accept their highest potential in all areas of life…
You could go through life, holding breath, waiting for that just right moment to come out of the closet, or you could take a deep breath and step into your freedom starting today as a gay person! That’s exactly why I’ve brought Freedom Fighter and recovering entrepreneur Perry Gladstone to the Coming Out Lounge Today.…
Now that you’re coming out of the closet, do you find yourself always dating the wrong person and being in the wrong gay relationship? Finding it difficult to let go of the Mr. or Ms. Wrong? Maybe it’s time to start dating from the heart and listening to the obstacles that are right in front…
Are you ready to experience deep connection and lasting gay love in your relationship? Tired of fighting and arguing? Are you sick of not knowing how to have a relationship that works? Are you fed up with feeling insecure in your relationship? Do you want proven methods that have helped thousands of couples find happiness together? Luis…
It’s been said, “We’ve all got crosses to bear!” Coming out as gay, job loss, relationship breakups, dead car batteries, losing a loved one – each in it’s own right – a cross to bear as part of life. Then on the other had, we all have masks we hide behind. Masks that keep people…
What happens when you arrive into this world, fully human, nothing that from the outside looks unusual, yet, on the inside there’s still “some assembly required?” You start going through life, knowing that something just isn’t quite right but you live as if everything is o.k. Military life, working in the aerospace industry, does nothing…
Guilt, shame, and your truth. Gnawing, eating away at you until you finally test the waters to see what happens. What you end up discovering is, “You kissed a man and you liked it!” But how do you face your wife and tell her you’re a not the man she thinks you are because you’re…
No matter where you turn in the debate about homosexuality, you’re sure to find some one quoting bible scriptures. It seems to be the easiest, yet most misunderstood defense against those who believe that we were born this way and those who stand firm in their vows that homosexuality is an abomination against God and…
It’s one thing to come out of the closet. It’s a whole other journey when you’re Dad comes out to you and then tells you shortly there after, “I’m HIV+!” Welcome to Suzanne Phare’s life! A life that turned her formative and teen years into an expedition of SHOCK, AWE, & HEALING! Truth is, parent…