Not sure monogamy is for you, but an open relationship scares you, but you do know something isn’t working, and you know you just can’t love only one person and make it work. Rather than assume it is all about sex, we’re here today to have an open dialogue about all the ways to love...
Shocking as it might sound, you can be gay, Christian, a drag queen and to write the 1st traditionally published Christian Devotional as a Drag Queen – Hallelujah! Speaking her truth, Jeza Belle shares Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional for all to consume. Cause who couldn’t use a little good in their...
Coming out and being out is challenging enough. Then add to the mix your challenges with mental health and it could be potentially too much. So what do you do? You choose to thrive. A great example of this is our guest today, Dr. Zachary Stier who is thriving beyond his bi-polar diagnosis and embracing...
Inclusivity doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be human. But to0 many humans today, think inclusivity is just too woke. Well, let’s wake them up with the truth about inclusivity and how to have those tough conversations. Inclusivity and workplace culture expert Nate Shalev shares their insights on how this can work...
You have to be hiding under a rock and not listening to not know that Trans voices are under attack which only means, the entire queer community is under attack. Giving voice to the Trans community, TJ Billard shares their new book Voices For Transgender Equality: Making Change In The Network Public Sphere. This is...
Imagine hiding your truth because of your work, your family, and more so out of your own fears of “Can this actually be me?” Today I have a candid conversation with Ron Thomas, actor, voice over professional, radio host, but overall a normal, everyday gay who was afraid to come out until he did. And...
Imagine being 19, just coming out, and heading to NYC – broadway to be exact – and all those dreams turn into a different dream you never would have imagined. Now, fast forward 35 years later and you let that twist of dream guide you through all the other coming out journeys that life has...
Were you raised to play it safe because you were afraid to cause others pain? Then, you decide to put on a happy face facade and instead of walking boldly through life, you held yourself back. Leaving the “unspeakable” feelings unspoken, until you finally decide to take a leap that might be your only chance...
How do you step into an an attitude of being less hateful and more grateful when it comes to Christianity and LGBTQ+ individuals? You step beyond your diversity bias and stop practicing moral exclusions. Out and proud bisexual Amanda Udis-Kessler provides us with insights on how loving others and ourselves is the truest expression of...
What do you do when you move from NYC to the Connecticut burbs to create LGBTQ+ Community? You literally create it yourself. Showing us the path on how to do that in any community, is Brian P. McGunagle founder of Westport Pride. Learn how he, his husband and kids are living out loud and proud...
From a very young age he knew he was different in spirit, two-spirits to be exact. Yet, he pushed through, did the things that were expected of him, and yet, never lost sight of the essence of who he was. While he left the world of music for a time, the music never left him...
When you know, you know, but when you act on what you know could take years. Transition Mentor, Wendy Cole shares her story of transitioning into her truth at age 67 to be the woman she always knew she was. Now she guides others to step into their rightful self, and take the journey of...
It’s Valentine’s Day and time for some love and rejection. Let’s hope more love than rejection. But, if have no agenda, and you learn to master rejection, then you can be happy and in love with yourself. Helping us give ourselves a little love this Valentine’s Day is pop artist, Jaime Adrian, sharing his story...
Love and connection. Who doesn’t desire those things? Very few. So why is it so hard for us as humans, and especially LGBTQ+ beings to find it and keep it. It’s starts by deliberately choosing to live authentically and doing the internal work so that love can show up. Guiding us today to that truth,...
You can’t turn on the news these days without white supremacy and racism being part of the headline news. Yet, how we define both these things isn’t just about the color of one’s skin. And then, how we choose talk, or not talk about them is what is causing more strife on the planet. Roxy...