299: How to move from apathy, empathy, and Into action – Darren Calhoun

It’s a charged world these days. From politics to religion. Even in our own gay world. It seems that from the apps to even in person meetings, we throw shade at each other without exercising empathy and understanding. Yet what happens when you to take a second look? When we slow down and exercise empathy and understanding, rather than staying in your apathetic ways of being in your beliefs and only your beliefs?

That’s what we’re exploring today with the host of Second Sunday podcast, Darren Calhoun. He’s an open-minded explorer teaching how we can all be more open and understanding to one another from the pulpit to the ballot box.

In this provocative episode:

  • We explore apathy and empathy and how to become more of the latter
  • Learn how to utilize the pause in all situations
  • Uncover the means for seeing each other as gay men for who we truly are

About Darren

Darren Calhoun (he/him) is a justice advocate, worship leader, and artist based out of Chicago. He works to bridge connections between people of differing perspectives through story and relationship. Darren brings with him an intentional focus on communities being inclusive as an authentic reflection of God’s love and justice. Lastly, Darren is a neurodivergent extrovert who loves hugs.

Connect With Darren




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