40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us, and quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. Show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

Tired of pretending you've got it all figured out? Want more than the corner office prestige? So over the hook up scene? Wishing you had a relationship?

Then, 40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk is FOR YOU. This podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's  no holds barred conversations guaranteed to get you uncomfortable and comfortable in your gay self.

Get ready to strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed live and by, and get ready to dump your excuses, face your fears, and start living your life without apologies as a gay guy over 40!


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It’s a charged world these days. From politics to religion. Even in our own gay world. It seems that from the apps to even in person meetings, we throw shade at each other without exercising empathy and understanding. Yet what happens when you to take a second look? When we slow down and exercise empathy...
It’s National Coming Out Day. A day we celebrate coming out and being our authentic self. Today is also a day that I am calling all gay men, LGBTQ+ individuals, and allies to come out and vote as if your rights depend on it – because they do. I’m passionate about supporting people coming out...
Fact: We’re all sexual beings. Fact: That doesn’t mean we all approach sex and our sexual fantasies the same way. Fact: Just because you are a gay or bisexual man, doesn’t mean how you do sex and own your sexuality has to fit into a societal expectation box. Instead, heed the calling from KK Homme...
For most men, especially many gay men, the size of their penis is directly related to their confidence. Whether it be the length or girth, many gay men allow there manhood to rule their world. No judgment, just speaking the truth. If you are a guy who struggles to love your penis, in a healthy...
Gay men. They are all about sex, raunchy sex, and lust. Wait, hold that thought. Not always true. Yet, many gay men find connection in sex, raunchy sex, and lust – and that’s ok, if that is there way to show up in the world. Everyone has a right to be themselves in the world...
As gay men, there are monsters in our closets that are frightening and the comical. For most of us the monster of coming out is one that terrifies and terrified us the most. Capturing the essence of that journey, in comic book form, Author Mark Julien joins us to share about his desires to use...
Erotic. Pleasure. Being authentically yourself as a sexual being. Some would have us shamed into oblivion for thinking that we deserve to be, being of pleasure. Not today. Joining me is today, erotic and pleasure expert – Ayce Kyptyn. Bringing his full trans masculine gay self to the conversation, Ayce shares his journey to his...
Sex and religion. For many, especially gay men, and even more so for gay men who are religious leaders, the thought of erotic pleasure is a “No, no!” Really? Why is that and who made it that way? Exploring the concept that we are all erotic and spiritual beings who desire pleasure, turns the tables...
Throughout history, all we have heard as gay men is that being gay is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Yet, we often ask ourselves, “How can we be wrong?” Debut author Max Austin, shares his insights about his life in the ’90s amongst the HIV/AIDS crisis and the shame, vile bullying he experienced as a nurse, which...
Daily life is a culmination, in the moment, of all the history that has preceded our lives. For gay men, there is such a rich history of gay men and others in our LGBTQ history that have brought us to these moments. And, as gay men we need to be the flag bearers of continuing...
Career, money, success, and rising above our circumstances. There’s not to many gay men who have pursued these goals. But what happens when you struggle to get there? Do you give up? Telling us not to give up, Luis Baez, a kick as Sales Coach shares his story of rising out of poverty and his...
The pursuit of peace-of-mind, serenity, of “Can this crazy life just let me breathe?” As gay men this is the hamster wheel that we struggle with from the time we realize we are gay, to present day – the pursuit of peace. But what changes when we have the tools to slay the “everything, everywhere,...
As gay men, we know that many have paved the way for us to enjoy our lives as they are today. But the fight isn’t over, and it’s always humbling and inspiring to revisit history and the arts that got us here. Today we are joined by writer Christopher Adams who invites to revisit, the...
As a 40+ gay man, he’s now living his most authentic life being the ANKRBOY he’d never dreamed hed be in this way. During the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, his life and career was shattered because of one innocent move out in public. But that didn’t stop him from rising to the top of...
From finding himself on the streets at a young age to thriving in the military, this former Boy Scout found his wings, gave back to his country, and literally and figuratively learned the power of finding his own gay wings to thrive beyond the chains of sexual abuse victimhood. You’re invitied into an intimate conversation...
Yes sir, I’m a farm boy. Yes sir, I’m ready to serve my country. No sir, I’m not gay or do drag – but your not supposed to ask and I’m not supposed to tell. Taking us on his journey to stand up for who he is, virgin author, Jay Claypool shares his life and...
Is gay romance dead? Do you feel like no gay man has a romantic bone left in his body? Well grab your beach chair, your Speedo, and sunscreen and get ready for your next summer read. Steamy, passionate, and full of sizzling romance, author C. Travis Rice (Christopher Rice) shows how ghosts of gay men’s...
Happy Pride. That’s what today’s guest said over the pounding beat of his DJing life for many years. The thrill, the fun, the drugs, the sex. It all made him feel desired and alive…so to speak, until it didn’t. Then he woke to the truth that to be desired and loved, he had to do...
From the moment he was a young man, he knew, and was taught – no one is going to hand you anything and you have to go out and get it yourself. And as a Jamaican-American man that is exactly what he did. He’s gone out and fiercely pursued his dreams and lived his life...
There’s a stereotype about gay men that all we want is sex, partying, and drugs. For some that might be true. For others we just enjoy the occasional dip into that space. But what happens when navigating the drinking, drug, partying way of being becomes blurred and we don’t realize that we’re on the verge...