297: How to release yourself into the fantasy and reality of being a sexual being – Emma Sayle

Fact: We’re all sexual beings.

Fact: That doesn’t mean we all approach sex and our sexual fantasies the same way.

Fact: Just because you are a gay or bisexual man, doesn’t mean how you do sex and own your sexuality has to fit into a societal expectation box.

Instead, heed the calling from KK Homme – produced by founder Emma Sayle – and release yourself into an inclusive space and that challenges outdated stereotypes. Get comfortable in an environment where issues related to sex, relationships, equitable pleasure are expected and respected to uplift gay and bisexual men. Welcome to the party of all that can be, whatever you desire it to be for you. You could even win tickets to the flagship event – October 19 – London, UK.

This provocative episode:

  • Addresses sexual desires without shame
  • Teaches you how to mix friendship with sexual pleasure with confidence
  • Invites you to explore your truth as a sexual being – however that looks for you

About Emma

Emma is one of the UK’s leading female entrepreneurs’. She made her name launching the global female empowerment brand Killing Kittens in 2005, now incorporated into the KK Group www.wearekk.com with over 200,000 members having launched events across the US, Australia and Europe and has grown online into an online community network with sexual empowerment at its core.

April 2023 saw the group launch the world’s first sex positive social dating app WeareX now WAX app with KK Homme, events and community for gay, bisexual , NB and trans masc men launched in June 2024

The press have pronounced her a leader at the cutting edge of the new dawn of sexual liberation. Recently in Business Leaders top 30 inspirational UK entrepreneurs and recognised by other awards and media setups including Top 10 women entrepreneurs Game Changer Magazine 2019 and 2020 Inside Out leaders board role model, KK won the growth business of the year 2021 in the Business champion awards and Emma was a finalist in both the Lloyds Business awards 2022 and GBEA London 2022 both as Entrepreneur of the year and now up for Business Woman of the year 2024 at the prestigious national Natwest EVA awards

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Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.

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