Schedule Your
Explore Coming Out Session

Coming out is about being true to yourself, with lots of love and respect!

You know it's time to make a change - to live your truth and stop hiding who you really are at your core - a gay or bisexual man. You've got to stop making excuses and start living life on your terms - even though it is scary. It's time to explore your coming out options and to create a plan for living your life out and proud - your way!

Whether you're struggling to embrace your sexuality, facing the reality of leaving a heterosexual relationship, or worried about fitting into the gay or bisexual community, you deserve more.

Your Explore Coming Out Session is a 30-minute investment of your time to have a candid conversation in a supportive, private, non-judgmental space to open up about your fears, and to unlock what's possible on the other side of the closet door.

This 30-minute session is designed to help you experience the power of coming out coaching and how it can support you every step of the way.It also lays the groundwork for designing a coming out plan built upon dignity and respect for all involved in the journey, as you step into living your truth.

Receive a $100 Credit toward your first month of Coming Out Coaching when you complete this session.