Feeling a sense of belonging as gay men is one of the things we struggle with the most. Using his book – Creating Belonging: A Practical Guide to Accelerate Belonging in Organizations and Communities – Justin Reinert shares how we as gay men can create a better sense of belonging for ourselves and others. About …
265: Rick Clemons – 10 Things Gay Men Can Do To Drop Their B.S. And Be Happier!
Here we are. Almost the end of February, and what have you done this year to be happier and more productive as a gay man? Nothing? Or are you stuck in the hamster wheel of, “I’ll get to it next week!” Take 20 minutes and listen to my thoughts on 10 Things You Can Do …
264: Joli Hamilton – Uncomplicating the fire of open relationships
How do you do an open relationship? Should you do an open relationship? Why do gay men consider open relationships? These and many other questions are answered today with open relationship expert Dr. Joli Hamilton who uncomplicates the complicated. About Joli Dr. Joli Hamilton is the relationship coach for couples who color outside the lines. …
263: Legrand Wolf – Why Normalizing Gay Porn and Gay Fantasies Is Good For The World
From Mormon Missionary to Med Student to Porn Start Empire Owner, Legrand Wolf believes that the more we normalize the world of porn and adult entertainment and all if it’s fantasies and fetishes, the more we help the planet be more accepting of the LGBTQ+ individuals. Listen to this captivating conversation and even if you …
262: Craig Cullinane – Why every gay man needs erotic and pleasure education!
Instead of shaming sex and erotic pleasure, what if we as gay men embraced it as a conscious way of being present in our lives. Of, celebrating the truth of who we are at our core – sexual, erotic beings, who delight in the power of pleasure with joy. The world would be a different …
261: Tommy Whitehead – Living Out And Proud In Your Industry
Being out and proud is one of the most freeing and liberating experiences a gay man can experience. But, what if you work in a heteronormative, uber masculine industry like construction? How out can you be? Well today’s guest says, “As out as you choose to be!” Tommy Whitehead is a licensed contractor and runs …
259: Sean Fitzgerald – Alternatives For Staying On Top Of Your Health
Maintaining our health as gay men is a matrix. From erectile dysfunction, to weight loss, cardio health, and everything in between, it can be a complex journey to optimal health. Yet, what can happen when we engage beyond the normally prescribed medical protocols and guidance to lean into our optimal health? Sean Fitzgerald, a leading …
257: Rick Clemons – What are you willing to…in 2024
This is not a New Year’s Resolution podcast. It is a come to Jesus podcast with you and yourself. But first, Happy New Year. Now that we have that out of the way, what are you willing to do this coming year, for you, to make you better, happier, more successful, more content? It all …
213: Electrifying your way out of gay male body shame – Craig Cullinane
Imagine, activating your life force by being 100% comfortable in your erotic self. Genuinely connecting your heart and your genitals in a way that makes you feel aligned, and alive in a way that is a work of love. Helping us embrace our sexual energy is Craig Cullinane, embodiment coach and former Director of the …