614: Amanda Udis-Kessler – Flourishing as a Progressive LGBTQ+ Christian

How do you step into an an attitude of being less hateful and more grateful when it comes to Christianity and LGBTQ+ individuals? You step beyond your diversity bias and stop practicing moral exclusions. Out and proud bisexual Amanda Udis-Kessler provides us with insights on how loving others and ourselves is the truest expression of …

611: Wendy Cole – Embracing Your Trans Truth at Any Age

When you know, you know, but when you act on what you know could take years. Transition Mentor, Wendy Cole shares her story of transitioning into her truth at age 67 to be the woman she always knew she was. Now she guides others to step into their rightful self, and take the journey of …

610: Jaime Adrian – Learn How to Walk Through Rejection Into The Love Of Yourself

It’s Valentine’s Day and time for some love and rejection. Let’s hope more love than rejection. But, if have no agenda, and you learn to master rejection, then you can be happy and in love with yourself. Helping us give ourselves a little love this Valentine’s Day is pop artist, Jaime Adrian, sharing his story …

607: Mark Daley – Fun and Fears of The Unlikely Path To Gay Parenthood

Every day seven hundred children enter the foster care system in the United States, and thousands more live on the brink. In his new “truly revealing” (Hilary Clinton) memoir, SAFE: A Memoir of Fatherhood, Foster Care, and the Risks We Take for Family, longtime activist Mark Daley traces his, and his husbands unlikely journey to …

605: Ry Levey – Out & Proud In The Wrestling World

“And in this corner we have an out, proud, wrestler.” Wait, what? Wrestlers can be gay? Of course they can. We queers are everywhere, so let’s celebrate with Ry Levey, film maker. His film Out In The Ring, showcases the hidden world of queer wrestlers and also parallels the nuances of the wrestling world imitate …

603: Patty Cabot – Living Beyond The Person You Thought You Were

Imagine gaining and losing 50 to 75 pounds every two years as a teen. Miserable, right? The imagine at 38 years old discovering that you issues with food and weight were a symptom of a much deeper issue: your childhood sexual abuse. Today’s Guest, Patty Cabot, author of Not That Girl Anymore, shares the tremendous …

602: Quinn O’Briant – Becoming The Joy Boss of Your Life!

It’s the most joyful time of the year…or is it? For many of us the holidays bring joy, joy, joy but then it also brings stress, frustration, and overwhelm. Yet, in life, we are the master of our own joy! Today we explore how to bring joy into our life by planting seeds or creating …