216: Over 40 Fitness Hacks For Gay Men – Brad Williams

One of the hardest things to do as a gay guy over 40 is to accept that you are a gay guy over 40. Then add the battle of the bulge, the changing “what you can eat without putting on the pounds,” and suddenly life SUCKS! Here’ to guide us through some Over 40 Fitness …

562: An average small town gay and a drag queen. What could go right? – Chandler Myer

Imagine being a 32-year-old gay accountant who’s never outside your rural upbringings and you move to major metropolitan area where you struggle to find your way. Sound familiar? But wait there is a twist. A six-foot, nine-inch, sensational drag queen takes you under her colorful wing for lessons in shopping, first dates, hosting brunch, furnishing …

215: Coming Out & Losing Out – John MacDonald

Imagine that you have waiting all these years to finally be yourself. Over 50+ years to truthful. Finally the day comes and you feel alive and finally on your way. But wait, the universe had another road for you to tow. But does that stop you? Maybe, but as today’s guest shares, avid listener John …

561: Living Through The Twists of Life To Be Yourself – Adele Bertei

From troubled upbringing with her mother who suffered from undiagnosed schizophrenia, to foster homes and reform schools, then finding her groove in her own band The Bloods, it’s not surprising that this former backup singer for the likes of Culture Club, and Whitney Houston, final made her move to live her queer identity. Three time …

214: Find Your Gay Wellness Match – Peter DeWitt

Making your way through life as a gay man can be challenging. Then finding the right support whether that be for your mental, physical, or spiritual health can be even more challenging. Realizing this was a common issue for so many gay men, Peter DeWitt, founded Gay Wellness – a one-stop hub for finding therapists, …

560: Turning Your “Bad Days” Into Your Greatest Possibilities – Kyle Motsinger

We all have bad days, months, and years. Especially as someone in the LGBTQ+ community. But the beauty in the bad is the good that comes from it. Singer, songwriter, broadway performer Kyle Motsinger has take taken the concept of “Bad Years,” and turned it into song to help people battle through and preserve regardless …

213: Electrifying your way out of gay male body shame – Craig Cullinane

Imagine, activating your life force by being 100% comfortable in your erotic self. Genuinely connecting your heart and your genitals in a way that makes you feel aligned, and alive in a way that is a work of love. Helping us embrace our sexual energy is Craig Cullinane, embodiment coach and former Director of the …

559: The Joy of Celebrating Queer Women – Carine De Mesmaeker

Many may ask, “Why?” Why is it important to have festivals, parties, private vacations, for LGBTQ+ individuals. The answer is simple, “Why Not?” And especially “Why not?” for queer women. Helping us answer that question and sharing about her own exciting, Mediterranean event – Velvet Ibiza – is Carine De Mesmaeker. We’re exploring the celebration …

212: Don’t Dis The Disabled Guys In Your Gay Dating – Stephen Fratello

He looks normal, acts normal, and just wants to be loved like any other gay guy. But, he has a disability and as soon as he shares that with a guy he’s interested in dating, the pull a Houdini and disappear. Why? Because they feel he’s damaged goods. Today we explore the trials and tribulations …

558: Marriage, Businesses, Health and Doing Life On Your Terms – Bill Rossi

Whether it is starting a business or choosing to get married as a gay or lesbian individual, it is always in our best interest to do what we know is best for us, not what everyone else expects us to do. Proving this point over and over again, serial entrepreneur, resilient hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) thriver, …