206: Hacking Your Way To Better Sexual Health For Gay Men– Dr. Judson Brandeis

Whether it is better sexual health – rock hard erections, stamina, or screwing like a porn star – most gay men want great sex but do they do what they need to do for better sexual health. The answer is “NO!” Here to guide towards better habits and practices, is Dr. Judson Brandeis, Top Urologist …

552: Coming Out With A No Excuses, No Fears Attitude – Rick Clemons

Coming out is no easy journey, but when you have a no excuses, no fears attitude, it does get a little easier. Helping you step into a new year, with a new mindset about coming out, whatever your coming out journey may be, are some steps for getting clear and honoring yourself for doing this …

205: Declutter Your Gay Life For 2023 – RIck Clemons

New Years is just two days away and while we could do, “Tips for making the most of your New Year,” instead let’s declutter our lives so we can have a great start for making the most of our new year. Here’s a no bullcrap way of getting the junk out of your life so …

551: Things you don’t have to tolerate as an LGBTQ+ Person in 2023 – Rick Clemons

Life is full of challenges, many of which we feel we have to tolerate, especially as LGBTQ+ individuals. But tolerance is mostly bullshit that we create ourselves, and then we find ourselves wondering why we are always the one tolerating things. As you head into 2023, let’s explore what you don’t have to tolerate as …

204: Stroke This, Not That, And Survive – RIck Clemons

Instead of getting caught up in your gay life that doesn’t please or serve you, go have a stroke. Actually don’t. I speak from experience in this podcast about how to stroke other things in life to bring you happiness, rather than dealing with a stroke. Just make sure what you are stroking pays off, …

550: The Gift of Being LGBTQ+ – Rick Clemons

You are a gift. Yes you. That fact that you are an individual in the LGBTQ+ community makes you a gift to the world and you need to own that. No better time than the holiday season to see yourself and the amazing gifts you bring into the world as an LGBTQ+ person having a …

203: Navigating Loss and Grief of a Partner- Jason Arnold

Your partner has cancer, then recovers. Then you have cancer, and recover. Then your partner and pets both pass on. All of this while lovely COVID is reeking havoc on the planet. How do you thrive through this much turmoil? You trust the process and see the beauty in the challenges. Avid listener and beautiful …

549: Embracing Christianity As Your Authentic LGBTQ Self – Rev. Brandan Robertson

Christianity. It’s a very triggering word in today’s climate. You either embrace, hate it, or have completely walked away from it. But what if you could find a way to make it work for you, in a way that says, ” I can be Christian and LGBTQIA? Joining the conversation today, is Rev. Brandan Robertson. …

202: Overcoming The “Pleaser” Within – RIck Clemons

If I make them happy, then I will be liked. Or even better, if I do this for them then they will do something nice for me. Sound familiar? It’s call being a pleaser and as gay men, we have tried to please everyone else, hiding our true self, and then when we come out, …

548: Living OUT and Proud as Black, Fat, and Femme – Jon and Joho

You’re too fat. You’re to femme. Oh, and no blacks. Really? You can’t be serious. There is no such thing as being too Black, Fat, and Femme. Driving this point home are today’s guests, and hosts of the Black, Fat, Femme podcast – Jon and Joho. Listen as we uncover the “T” of being who …