196: How to be a Titan of Building Your Own Business – Stefaan DeVreese

You have this burning desire to do your own thing, start your own business, be your own boss. Great. Awesome. Then the challenges arise and instead of walking away from a job, you just built yourself a job that you can’t get away from. Stefaan DeVreese candidly shares the in’s and out’s of being a …

542: Combating a Spooky GOP Takeover – VOTE – Rick Clemons

Yes, it’s almost Halloween. But what is scarier is that it is almost November 8th, which here in America means we could have a dreaded republican, fascist, theocracy take over. Hopefully not, if we and every other sane person in America gets out to vote. This is a simple get out the vote message to …

195: A Gay Man’s Guide To Life – Britt East

Living life is messy. Messy, messy, messy. Now add to it being a gay man, and Lord help us, it can get real messy. Helping us undo some of that mess when we think it is impossible is Author Britt East, sharing wisdom from his book “A Gay Man’s Guide To Life.” Listen up and …

541: Living in chaos of sex, drugs, and Jesus – De’Vannon Hubert

Imagine going from being an active church member of a very well known evangelical church in Houston, to becoming a drug addict, dealer, being homeless and serving in the armed forces. Take a ride on this crazy yet endearing story of De’Vannon Hubert as he shares his journey of life beyond struggles and near catastrophe …

194: It’s never too late to come out about anything – Rick Clemons

It’s too late to come out. It’s too late to find a relationship. It’s too late to find my passion. BULLSHIT! You can come out of the closet of your life, regardless of what that closet is, even when you think it is impossible. These five tips will help you see the thought – “too …

540: Accepting and Loving Yourself To Power Through The Nightmare- J.R. Price

A massive breakup. Moving back in with the parents. Then getting thrown back out of that house. It’s enough to make most people give up. But not J.R. Price. He found song, after song, after song to share with the world and turn his nightmare into his music. His inspiring story of accepting and loving …

539: National Coming Out Day – Special Episode – Rick Clemons

What’s the point of National Coming Out Day? It all depends on where you are in your journey. It can be a day of celebration or a day of starting your journey. Either way, today is a day for you to be you in your own way. Here’s 5 Empowering Coming Out Thoughts to guide …

538: Coming Out Of The Closet – No Apologies – Rick Clemons

In this third part of the National Coming Out Day Series, we explore living Unapologetically. Not by being a jerk, but by allowing yourself to be fully who you are in your own way and loving every minute of it. Take note of the cool exercises that can help you unapologetically step into being yourself …

193: Thruples and Polyamory – Kitty Chambliss

Seems non-monogamy is more and more common as gay men try to find themselves in their relationships in a way that works for them as individuals and as a couple, or even a thruple. So how do you make it all work when Monogamy isn’t the way. Polyamory expert Kitty Chambliss joins us today to …

538: Coming Out Of The Closet – No Apologies – Rick Clemons

In this third part of the National Coming Out Day Series, we explore living Unapologetically. Not by being a jerk, but by allowing yourself to be fully who you are in your own way and loving every minute of it. Take note of the cool exercises that can help you unapologetically step into being yourself …