192: Combating “Button Pushing” Syndrome – Rick Clemons

We guys over 40, should have so much figured out in life, like how not to get our “buttons pushed” by other people. Ok, that is probably not 100% true, but we should have a way to combat that, right? No matter where you are in your station in life, people are going to get …

537: Coming Out Of The Closet – No Fears – Rick Clemons

National Coming Out Day is October 11th. And to celebrate this once a year event, Life (UN)Closeted is going solo with host Rick Clemons for a 3 part series on dumping your excuses, facing your fears, and living your unapologetic life as an LGBTQ+ person.  In this episode Rick challenges you to face down your …

191: Sex, Drugs, and Jesus – DeVannon Hubert

Imagine going from being an active member of one of the most well known evangelical churches in Houston – Lakewood Church – yes that one…to becoming a drug addict, dealer,  being homeless and serving in the armed forces. Talk about polar opposites, but it is his reality, his story, and his journey to be himself …

536: Coming Out Of The Closet – No Excuses – Rick Clemons

National Coming Out Day is October 11th. And to celebrate this once a year event, Life (UN)Closeted is going solo with host Rick Clemons for a 3 part series on dumping your excuses, facing your fears, and living your unapologetic life as an LGBTQ+ person. In this first episode Rick explores the excuses, brought on …

190: The New Masculine For Gay Men – Travis Stock

What does it mean to be masculine? Who defines it? What does it matter? These are all the big questions we’re asking on 40 Plus: Gay Man, Gay Talk Podcast today with fellow Life Coach Travis Stock. He brings his own unique insights into the world of masculinity into play to make you go, “Hmmm? …

535: Being Brown and Gay in LA – Anthony Christian Ocampo

Being gay is hard enough. Imagine being gay in the margins where immigration, race, and LGBTQ issues clash with your sexual identity, and the conservative values, expectations, and fears of your hard working migrant parents make you feel less than the perfect son. Author, Anthony Christian Ocampo, PH.D. explores these types of stories in his …

189: Stop shaming Monogamy, Open Relationships, and Polyamory – Rick Clemons

There’s a lot of shaming going on around how people do their most intimate relationship(s). You get shame for wanting monogamy. Shade gets thrown if you are in an open or polyamorous relationship. Shame, shame, shame for how you choose to live your life. Well it’s nobody’s business and here’s some tips on dumping the …

534: Stay Vigilant During Questionable Times For LGBTQ+ People – Scott Gatz

From Monkeypox to Roe vs. Wade. Gay marriage to sodomy laws. This is not a time to say, “Oh that doesn’t affect me, so I am not concerned!” Trust us, you do not want to get caught with you pants down during what could become very challenging times ahead for our LGBTQ+ community. Sharing his …

188: Embracing A Holistic Approach To HIV & Monkeypox – Jill Baker

First it was HIV and AIDS, now Monkeypox. And the LGBTQ+ community, and more specifically gay men are being called out as the source of these issues. Really? Are we truly going to do this again? Not if we take the right stands and the right health approaches to addressing these issues. Jill Baker, FNP-C …

533: Embracing The LGBTQ You, You See – Danny Freeman

Growing up LGBTQ can be very confusing. Your heart feels it before your head. You try to assimilate into hetero norms, but can’t. Then once you accept who you are do you really take time to grieve the you that once was for the you that you’ve always been? Exploring all these types of thoughts …