157: Yup. You’re No Good At Gay Sex! Really? – Rick Clemons

The clothes are coming off. Your heart’s racing and an appendage is growing, and you can’t wait to touch him and have him touch you. Then your head – the one above your shoulders starts creating a story that – you’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good – buddy you’re no good at …

502: Blowing Up Your LIfe, To Uncloset Your Life – Francis Yahia

Imagine, growing up in a cult, being married to a female-to-male transgender individual for 10 years, and through all of that, plus life’s other twists and turns, you find your calling to help others come out of their subconscious closets to live their fullest life! Today, Dr. Frances Yahia, tells her story and guides us …

156: How Do You Do Gay – Rick Clemons

The biggest question I get asked, by guys coming out of the closet, is not how do you take a big penis, it’s how do you do gay? Ok, maybe the penis question comes up to, but today we’re exploring how you do gay, whether you’ve been out since you were a teen or just …

501: Jesus Loves You, Yes He Does You Little LGBTQ Bundle of Joy – Eric Feltes

Religious trauma. Seems to be the norm for a majority of LGBTQ people that you encoutner. “You’re damned to hell!” or “You’re a sinner!” Of course most those people hurling those words for get that they’re divorced (a sin), have committed adultery (a sin), have eaten pig (a sin), worn woven fabrics (a sin), but …

155 – There is Gay Life Beyond Prostate Cancer – Kenneth A. Johnson

OMG. My penis no longer works, and my prostate no longer feels pleasure. My life is over! That may be the way it seems, but does having and living with prostate cancer mean, your life is over as a gay man? No! Just ask today’s guest, Kenneth A. Johnson. He’s living his life to its …

154: Breaking The “I don’t know syndrome!” – Rick Clemons

It’s the beginning of the year, and what do you want to do with this year? I don’t know! What do you want from this year? I don’t know! What would make you feel fulfilled this year? I don’t know! Fine, then sit on your little victim, wandering in the desert of your lost life, …

153: Ready. Set. Let Your Intentions Guide You in 2022 -Rick Clemons

Do not set a New Year’s Resolution. Do not head out to that party dreading the start of another year. Do not do anything that you do not plan to do without a solid INTENTION. That’s my advice for this coming year, and every year. And, here’s how you do a new year filled with …

498: Uncloseting Your Inner Vixen – Cat LaCohie

Whether you’re stripping your clothes off or coming out of the closet, it’s all about the big reveal. But, what happens when you are terrified to let people see the real you, the you that you’re meant to be? Do you freeze, and get scared of exposing your true self to the world? It’s time …