152: 12 Gifts You Should Give Yourself This Holiday – Rick Clemons

You’re running yourself ragged, trying to get all the right gifts for everyone. But, what have you done for you? What gift are you going to give yourself? And don’t go saying, “That’s so selfish!” There’s nothing selfish about giving yourself a gift this holiday season, and here’s a few gifts you should consider. Hey …

497: Don’t Forget Yourself This Holiday Season – Rick Clemons

It’s really easy to get uptight, and lost in the holiday shuffle. Especially when you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and you may not have fond experiences surrounding the holiday. Yet, in the words of RuPaul – “If you can’t love yourself, then how the hell you going to learn to love anyone elses!” …

151: Healing Religious Wounds – Eric Feltes

Religious trauma. Seems to be the norm for a majority of LGBTQ people that you encoutner. “You’re damned to hell!” or “You’re a sinner!” Of course most those people hurling those words for get that they’re divorced (a sin), have committed adultery (a sin), have eaten pig (a sin), worn woven fabrics (a sin), but …

496: Managing loss of life, and being with your gay self – Mike Keren

You’re parents are aging, you’re settled in your gay life, and all of that gives you plenty of material to come out of the closet as a comedian…until you do. Then life throws you curve balls, and then the comedy comes to you not on stage, but through the words of your book, addressing the …

150: What if there were no hook-up apps? – Rick Clemons

What if there were no Grindr, Scruff, Adam4Adam? What would you do? Get out and meet guys? Resort to hooking up in the back of bars or restrooms? Or Isolating? Regardless of what you use the in-your-hand apps for, your world may just come to an end…or would it? That’s what we’re exploring today on …

149: You’re Never Too Old To Say – Judge Me Not – James Merrick

From a young age, the fear of God caused him to tremble in his boots about his secret. Then, in his 40’s he could no longer live within that secret, and he realized he had to be who he was, a gay man. Then he made national headlines by taking a stand as a gay …

494: Write Your Stories Your Way – Gregory L. Norris

We all have our story. We live our story daily. And, some of us take our stories, and the stories in our heads and turn them into our passion purpose…as a an author, with thousands of pages of articles and books. Gregory L. Norris is that person, a gay author who writes the stories that …

148: Holiday Prep – No Douche Required – Rick Clemons

We’re coming into the home stretch of the year and it’s – HOLIDAY TIME! Don’t freak out, don’t put pressure on yourself, and please don’t try to please everyone. OK, EASIER SAID THAN DONE. However, you can have a peaceful holiday season in your gay life by following a few of these tips, without being …

493: – Giving Thanks For Motherhood – However, You Get there – Liz Grubb

You had a plan. Marriage – check. Children – check. Your own flesh and blood family – no check. But that didn’t stop you and you went full-in to become a parent – despite the odds, and challenges. Giving full gratitude this Thanksgiving Eve, my friend Liz Grubb and I uncover her route to non-traditional …