147: Killing Your Relationship Expectations – Rick Clemons

You want a man, and you want him to be perfect. Really? Maybe you should be looking in the mirror. For every expectation you put on your man you better be ready to put it on yourself. It’s time to stop killing your relationship with expectations that probably are extreme or out of reach. Take …

492: Never forget our Transgender Brothers and Sisters – Trevor Boylston

“This transgender walked into the bar…” Cringe. Or, “You can tell he’s a man by the apple logged in his throat, no matter what dress he wears!” Cruel, cruel, cruel. These are the types of off-handed, transphobic remarks that can have a painful impact on the person in your office, in the cubicle right next …

491: Coming out of the AMAB Closet – Kat LaMar

You’re a man, with a penis, but you enjoy dressing up as a woman. OMG, you must want to be transgender! Not exactly. Ok, so you want to do strange things to children in bathrooms by dressing up as a woman..HELL NO. Truth is, you are simply a man who likes men and women, and …

145: Internalized Homophobia – Knock That Sh*t Off – Rick Clemons

There isn’t a gay man alive who hasn’t hated on himself or another gay man. Sometimes, we do it subconsciously and don’t even realize what an ass we’re being. It’s ok, society groomed us this way. So let’s break that internalized homophobia and start loving ourselves and each other just as we are as gay …

144: Owning That Dad Bod – Anthony Catalino

We’re all perfectly imperfect. But for gay men, perfection seems to be a futile pursuit – perfect abs, ass, chest, smile, bank account, material things…the list goes on. But when it comes to our bodies and our body image, we can be evil bitches to ourselves with a capital “B.” It’s time to start loving …

489: Learning To Lovingly Say – It’s My Time – Joey Salinas

Sometimes you hit a big block wall life and realize “It’s My Time!” Through heartache, a wake up call or even a simple moment when you realize you do need to put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life, and that’s ok, no matter what anyone else says. Singer, artist, and dancer Joey Salinas, …

143: Defining A Healthy Gay Relationship – Rick Clemons

Sex, laughter, sex, love, sex, money. That’s all it takes to make a healthy gay relationship work. If you believe that I’ve got a bottle of Clorox for you to fight COVID too. Truth is, it takes a lot of patience, understanding, and sex to make your gay relationship work. Here’s a few tips on …

488: Kicking ass and taking names, even when bedridden – Andrea Mastrobattista

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and before you know it, you find yourself in bed, and not for the funnest reasons. For many of us that would mean – THIS LIFE SUCKS! For others, it means kick yourself in the ass, even though your ass is the reason you’re bedridden and transforming nearly overwhelming …