478: Embracing The Season of Your Life – Christine Sako

In the midst of the lovely and unexpected pandemic – COVID19 – love can was found and lost. It was a season. A season that brought to a head by a clear cut understanding that you can think and feel one way about the person you are in a relationship with, only to find out …

133: How To Start Having Better Sex Now – Rick Clemons

Most gay men enjoy sex. Doesn’t matter what that looks like. Whether it is simple intimacy, to dolled up in Leather, or playing in an orgy. We gay men love sex…well for that matter…we men love sex. So how do you tip to through the penises when the sex is no longer so great with …

477: The Beauty of Being Flawed And Complicated – Benji Carr

We’re all flawed, all complicated, and all hunger to be accepted to be just who we are in the world. But, we also desire to feel safe. The bigger question is, “How do you feel safe when everyone sees you as flawed or complicated?” You don’t let them IMPACT your life. You live you, and …

132: Dating for the modern gay guy – Tyler Greenberg

Dating is a pain in the ass…and not in a good way. For most gay men, the dating and pursuit of Prince Charming, is a frustrating, just give up scenario, that leaves most little energy for even a hookup. Or, you aren’t really serious about dating and say you are, but haven’t found the right …

476: Uncloseting your dating life – Tyler Greenberg

Dating is either an adventure or a thorn in your side. Then add to the mix being LGBTQ and all that comes with dating the same sex, dating both men and women, or trying to explain the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, and the dating world needs a whole new way to interact. …

131: Getting Over Your Money BS – Martin Cowart

Money, money, money. Never enough, always wanting more, and being judged for having to much or too little, and we haven’t even started on the vicious judgements from other gay men if you don’t have money, money, money. So what’s a guy to do? Hookup with money in a powerful way, and dump the rest …

474: They Can’t All Be Betty – Angela Briones

you Do you ever wish your parents were as accepting of you as Betty DeGeneres was of Ellen? Or maybe you wish you could just accept that your parents our on a journey, just like you, when you make that grand announcement that you are LGBTQ? We all have our moments where we wish, wish, …

129: How To Break Free From Your Hidden Addictions – Rick Clemons

Sex, Drugs, Food, Video Games. We all have addictions, but we may not OPENLY admit to them. Another possibility, is we don’t seem them as addictions, because we have become so used to hiding them that we just don’t even realize they are an addiction. As gay men we’ve become victims, or numb to the …