468 – Bisexual or Pansexual or What Does It Matter – Fabian Luetzig

Sometimes it’s not clear where you land on the sexuality spectrum. It my even gradually present itself to you in a manner that isn’t a big reveal. For some people it truly is a gradual awareness that this is who I am, and I don’t fit into any particular box or letter of the LGBTQIA …

123: Stop being commitment phobic you silly homo – Rick Clemons

I want a man. I want a better job. I want to lose weight. I want, I want, I want. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Gay men want a lot but for some silly reason they are commitment phobic with a capital “C” and a capital “P.” Listen up guys, “You can’t have it both …

467 – Gender FCK the Stereotypes – Rae McDaniel

FCK GENDER! At least that’s what a sector of our world population about the twice the population of Canada has to say. But what does that mean when THEY don’t identify as he/him/his or she/her/hers? It simply means they see themselves as something other than the norm. So why should that boggle the minds of …

122: Confidence For The Queer Guy – Yannick Picard

Confidence doesn’t come easy, or so they say. But confidence for the gay guy can really be an uphill climb unless you have some guidance. Slaying the confidence saboteurs is Yannick Picard’s mission, as he works with individuals to build up their self-worth to be confident in their world, in their own way, as themselves. …

466 – Godly But Gay – Joel Barrett

Just remember this. GOD LOVES YOU…EVEN IF YOU’RE LGBTQIA! If you don’t believe that, then you need to read this little book – Godly But Gay. Because you can be Godly But Gay! Just ask Joel Barrett, a conversation therapy dropout. He knows first-hand the challenge of try to hold God in your heart, and …

121: Gay GHOSTING is Not Pretty on you – Rick Clemons

About Mike Mike mi-KAL-o-wits is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest release Fix This Next. By his 35th birthday, Mike had founded and sold two companies – one to private equity and another to a Fortune 500. Today he is running his third multi-million dollar venture, Profit First …

465 – How to be an accepting parent to your LGBTQIA child – Zach Selch

Parenthood. One of the most rewarding and challenging roles on planet earth. Then add to the mix that your child reveals they are non-binary, or a lesbian, or both, but both meaning that two of your 3 children are now expressing they are not gendered or identifying in the sexuality that you would have thought. …

120: Dadding, Careers, And All That Gay Stuff – Hans M Hirschi

The struggle is real. From managing a multinational relationship, to raising a child, and doing your career. May sound like no big deal, but when you are a gay guy over 40 dealing with the complexities of juggling the challenges of getting older in a world where laws about being gay shift from one country’s …

464 – Thriving beyond the closet of prison – Travis Barnes

Anyone who is living their life in the closet, is living their life in prison – a metaphorical prison. But, how does that closet feel when it is an actual prison cell where you find yourself living for 10 years? Will your life ever be the same on the other side of that prison once …

119: How not to FREAK out when the sex dies – Rick Clemons

He’s not so into sex. He must be cheating. That BJ you were so fond of, he’s no longer interested in giving it to you. He must think you are ugly. These and other thoughts run rampant in our minds when suddenly, “Sex is no longer important,” or at least not as important. Well, that …