463: From Pastor’s Wife To Taking Care Of Orgasms – Sabrina Torres

At 19 she was married. Didn’t got to college. Became the Mom of three autistic kids, and in her kids playgroup, she fell in love – real love – with the woman who would one day become her wife. Sabrina Torres shares her journey from pastors wife to owner of thriving online adult sex toy …

118: Aging as a Transman – Sex and all that jazz – Buck Angel!

He’s in his late 50’s. He’s a trailblazer. He’s done porn, and he’s a man. A transman, and he’s got something to say about being a man of a certain age in the LGBTQ community. Never one to walk away from a fight or a belief system, Buck Angel is coming out swinging as a …

117: The Ultimate Circle Jerk – Rick Clemons

Who doesn’t like an awesome circle jerk? Ok, maybe not everyone, but most gay men do, but sometimes they love a circle jerk so much the end up jerking themselves into oblivion. Is that you? Are you jerking yourself off for all the wrong reasons? If so, this podcast is for you and how you …

461: Why Fatherhood Means As Much As Being Gay – Steve Disselhorst

He knew from a very young age that Fatherhood was for him. But then the reality of being gay put a damper on the expectation…until it didn’t. Author and proud gay dad, Steven Disselhorst was determined to be a Dad and made it happen. From adoption nightmares to candid parenting realities, Steve shares his life …

116: To Be Out or Not To Be Out In Corporate Life – Jeff Nally

Are you out? Really out? Let’s rephrase that question. Are you out in your work life, and really out in a way that represents you, the whole you that you want to bring to work? If not, why not? As a guy in your 40+ life you have lot to bring to the table, and …

460: Three Tips For Stepping Out Of The Closet– Rick Clemons

Coming out of your closet is a scary proposition. It’s filled with fear, anxiety, but also filled with excitement and a future sense of peace of mind. Yet, if you do not have these three things present, you could have a rocky journey to your truth, regardless of whatever that (UN)Closeted truth might be. You …

115: Let Go Of Your Ex or Shut The F#CK Up – Rick Clemons

Break ups are inevitable. Don’t believe it ? Watch any episode or Queer as Folk, The “L”Word, or Pose and the truth will show you it’s real. Of course, what would be a smashing break up without the almighty “pining and swooning after your Ex?” Right? Well stop that crap and get over them already. …

459: How Your Gay Life, Leads You To Your Life – Jason Connolly

A golf game, a dare, and a life changing event that brought Tyler Schrenck out of a closet of his life that he never saw coming. From got it all going on, living an easy life with not a lot of intention, to suddenly having to depend on a group of people for his basic life …