113: Pushing Past Loneliness As A Gay Man – Rick Clemons

About Steve Mike mi-KAL-o-wits is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest release Fix This Next. By his 35th birthday, Mike had founded and sold two companies – one to private equity and another to a Fortune 500. Today he is running his third multi-million dollar venture, Profit First …

457: Let your Drag Shine as an Advocate – Michael Nguyen

What happens when you discover that you have a voice, all because you took a risk to do DRAG! Sahaying into the world of advocacy and fundraising, attorney Michael Nguyen, discovered that his alter ego – Juicy Liu – gave voice to another side of himself who just needed to be unleashed on the world …

112: Jealousy and Insecurity – Gay Men’s Worst Enemies – Rick Clemons

“Don’t you be looking at my man!” Sigh. Guys we don’t own the market on men looking at our men. Unless you reign that jealousy and insecurity in, you are going to be one messed up gay guy. Today we explore ways to manage your jealousy and insecurity in every aspect of your life. Hey …

456: After The Closet – Rick Clemons

We try so hard to come out of the closet – regardless of what that closet is, but then we suddenly discover, that what lays on the other side of the closet door might not be everything we hoped it would be. Here’s just a little bit of mid-week advice on how to embrace the …

111: Why gay men avoid commitment – Rick Clemons

Gay men can’t commit. Really? Maybe some can’t but most can and will if given the chance. The truth is most have to give themselves the chance to commit and they don’t. In this episode we take a deep look at the commitment struggle gay men have in their relationships and in life. Hey Guys, …

110: Just Be Gay, Gay, Gay…Your Way – Rick Clemons

Whether you’re 40+ or 2o something, or sliding into your golden years, someone is going to throw you some shade by telling you, “This is how you do gay!” To that I say, “Sashay away and tell them to stuff it!” If you are stuck in a closet of doing gay because someone told you …

454: Equality For All And How You Do Your Part Your Way – Rick Clemons

A golf game, a dare, and a life changing event that brought Tyler Schrenck out of a closet of his life that he never saw coming. From got it all going on, living an easy life with not a lot of intention, to suddenly having to depend on a group of people for his basic life …

109: What’s Right With Having An Open Relationship – Rick Clemons

Open relationships. They seem to be the hot button trigger in gay men’s circles. You’re either all for them, completely against them, or not being honest…with yourself and your partner about how you truly feel about them. Rather than become all Judge Judy about an open relationship, why don’t you at least open up your …

453: – Uncovering the sacred brand of you – Mike Iamele

What kind of possibilities open when you allow yourself to come out of your closet? When you have to be vulnerable so that you can be successful? Everything changes and comes into alignment. Candidly speaking Mike Iamele – Life Purpose Expert, shares his own coming out journey and how he now helps people connect the dots …