063: When Opposites No Longer Attract – Michael Testa

There are those life moments when you realize, “This just isn’t working!” For some it’s when they realize, “I’m gay and I just gotta stop pretending to be straight.” For others, its “I’m killing myself trying to carry this team and I hate it.” Regardless of the situation, suddenly you realize the opposite of what …

062: Navigating The Possibility Of An Open Relationship – Rick Clemons

Relationships are not easy…right? Yet, sometimes relationships cause one or both partners to wander into the land of infidelity or lackluster connectedness. On the other hand, some relationships wander into the realm of an open relationship. All of these scenarios can lead to insanity, or a better outcome, when you take the time to breathe, …

420: Uncloseting The Stigma of HIV & AIDS – Charles Sanchez

It’s January 2020. HIV and AIDS have now been in our world since 1983. We’ve gone from pandemic panic to people living productive, healthy lives. Yet, there is still stigma, and lack of education, and no one giving a light-hearted look at life with HIV and AIDS. But why would we? That would be blasphemous. …

061: Building Your Destiny – Grant Baldwin

He went from being a youth pastor to a conversation with his Dad about his destiny, to now running a highly successful online business, all because he focused on building his destiny. Now he has a brand new book out, The Successful Speaker – 5 Steps For Booking Gigs, Getting Paid, and Building Your Platform …

060: All YOU need is love…self-love – Rick Clemons

It’s Valentine’s Day. The day of either a lot of pressure, loads of love, or screw this who cares. Regardless of how you feel about Valentine’s Day, there’s one thing most men forget to do…LOVE THEMSELVES. I know you’ve heard this before but cut the crap and take a listen to why this really should be …

419: Uncloseting Yourself To Build Your Destiny – Grant Baldwin

He went from being a youth pastor to a conversation with his Dad about his destiny, to now running a highly successful online business, all because he uncloseted himself to go live his destiny. Now he has a brand new book out, The Successful Speaker – 5 Steps For Booking Gigs, Getting Paid, and Building …

059: I got nothing – Rick Clemons

I woke up this morning, chatting with a friend, and then she said, ” I got nothing!” She was referring to a time when she was doing a Facebook Live and she admitted to her viewers that she had nothing to say. I loved it. And you should too. You should love when you’ve got …

058: Creating Killer Relationships With Your Partner – Chuck Chapman

Relationships are tough. Relationships are wonderful. Either way, as men we tend to get confused about what to do when the relationships get tough. We either let our egos screw everything up, clam up, or blow up, or give up. That’s not the best formula…just ask Chuck Chapman…relationship therapist, coach and all around nice guy. …

418: Love making advice from yo’ Momma – Natasha Ria El-Scari

Men, boys, man boys – whatever you want to call the male species, seem to get their love and love making advice from tight lipped men, or loose lipped boys in the locker room. Neither usually serve them well and make them better men when it comes to love and love making. So let the …

057: When The F*CK Did You Decide To Live In A Box? – Rick Clemons

Do you ever feel like are living in a box? Maybe it’s not a box of your own choosing? Yet, you are choosing. We all choose to get boxed in. Now it’s time to choose better. Get the F*CK out of that box and start living your life. Here’s some tips on using the box …