394: Uncloseting Risk and a New Life – Gareth Martin

At 16 you almost die from a from a crazy motorcycle accident. At 18 you take a risk and say, “I’m outta here (with a South African Accent).” Before you know it, you’re in America, then off to the UK with minor stops around Europe. Had you known this time of life would teach you…

Depression isn’t and shouldn’t be a shameful prison – Chris Brogan

I admit it. I suffer from depression. I also take my little one pill a day to keep it at bay…no shame whatsoever. Then there’s my buddy Chris Brogan. A guy who’s written NY Times Bestsellers, talked in front of 100’s of people, talks marketing, startups, and everything biz related to some of the smallest …

393: LGBTQ Leadership, The Rainbow Difference – Steve Yacovelli

Leadership. We hear this term thrown around alot these days. It means many things to many people, and in different contexts it takes on lots of different meanings. But what does LGBTQ Leadership look like. “What unique challenges do you face as an LGBTQ individual in the roles of leadership? How do you present yourself?…

Birthday Message – Doing Stuff From Your Soul – Rick Clemons

Not going to go all sappy on ya, nor am I looking for a ton of birthday wishes, and I’m not needing your sympathy. Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, I’m talking from my soul today, because I’m turning 56 in a couple of days, I had a big life event …

392: Listening With Intention Creates A Deeper Love – Kendra Erika

What’s getting lost in society? Empathy? Understanding? Patience? All true, but what about listening with deep intention and trying to understand one another more. There’s so much noise and chatter in the world, on social media, and in the news that it’s easy to escape the deeper sense of humanity. Yet, Kendra Erika, #1 Billboard…

Weathering The Storms of Life – Mark Asquith

We all have storms in life. Crazy making storms. Some that we call the S*it Storms of life. As a guy 40 Plus, we can find ourselves right in the midst of a bunch of these storms, pulling our hair out, if we even have any hair left, or managing through them with ease and …

391: Discovering the truth of who you are! – David Conley

Who are you? Seems like a pretty easy question to answer, but most of us rattle of the standard answers. Father, mother, executive, cyclist, etc. The stuff that is part of the truth of who you are, but what is underneath all that easy to spout off stuff? Who are you really? And, what does …

Internalized Homophobia and all that Jazz – Seth Vermilyea

Sometimes you get slapped upside the face with your stuff and you didn’t really realize it was sitting there in the corner of your mind just waiting to hit ya! Those things that you’re like, “No, no, no, no, no. This is not me, this not how I am supposed to show up!” Low and …

Yeah that mind is meant to be mindful! – Will Schneider

Ok, I’m going to be honest. I met him on an island in Bermuda. I was drawn to him. I saw things in him that I wanted. And, no I wasn’t some gay guy crushing on a handsome straight guy…well maybe a little. Truth is, I was drawn to his mindfulness and masculinity. His name …