389: Coming Out To See The World Without Limits – Chris Ruden

Life sucks. The kids won’t get ready for school. The car has a flat tire. Your boss hands you another project that of course has to be done by the end of the day. Your world has so many limits that you could just scream. But what if you flipped the perspective and saw a…

Making Space For Men To Be Men – Rick Clemons

There are amazing things you learn when you get a group of men together to be vulnerable. They are either one, upping each other, or being very tight lipped about what they really want to be saying. It’s how we’ve been conditioned as men. But what happens when you make space for guys to be …

388: Building Bridges – Straight & Gay Spouses – Aideen T. Finnola

It happens. Sometimes a straight spouse marries gay spouse and vice-versa. Is it intentional? Maybe. Is it hurtful? Can be. Regardless of the reasons this happens – which range from societal pressure, to religious beliefs, to complete confusion on sexual orientation – it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility. No truer words are…

Kindness and the Masculinity Factor – Rocco Cozza

He’s a Jersey boy, an attorney, and built pretty much like a tank. First thoughts? He’s an Alpha Male. In reality he does have a book with alpha in the name and he’s also a kindness kind of guy that makes you go, “WHOA!”. So, don’t judge this book by it’s cover, Rocco Cozza dishes …

387: How Far We’ve Come. Straight to Gay, & Coming Out – Anne-Marie Zanzal

He’s almost 20 years into his coming out journey, she’s little over 3. They’ve both found love, gone through the tough stuff, and have managed to thrive and survive. Your host Rick Clemons, coming out coach, and his friend Anne-Marie Zanzal, Compassionate Bereavement Provider, take you on a journey, during this Pride month, of where…

385: Celebrating Fatherhood and Pride – Dillon Rasmussen

Imagine that you make the decision to be a parent. Only there’s one problem. You’re going to have to jump through some extraordinary hoops to get there. For starters Fatherhood means there’s two daddies in the equation, which means to the uninformed, it’s virtually impossible for two men to conceive. However, to the well informed,…

Get A Grip. Aging is just part of the equation! – Chris Guillebeau

God I can’t believe I’m aging and turning 30, 40, 50, 100! Yeah it happens guys and I know you know that is true, but what happens when it hits you like a ton of bricks? I know, because I’ve experienced it and it wasn’t pretty. Nor was it pretty for my buddy Chris! At …