384: Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Coming Out – Anne-Marie Zanzal

Coming out is scary enough. You have tons of questions, and with the right people, you’ll feel comfortable asking those questions. But sometimes you have those questions that you just want to ask, but either don’t know how to, are are afraid to ask. Today, fellow coming out coach Anne-Marie Zanzal joins me as we…

Men of Respect, RESPECT – Mike Domitriz

Aretha Franklin, just reading the word RESPECT, will start getting you all sassy in your heads. Some of you even started singing it out loud with the queen of soul. So why you are talking trash, not giving yourself and others the R-E-S-P-E-C-T that’s needed. Ok, maybe you are, but we could all do a …

Taking Ownership When You Screw Up – Gerson Sternstein

Let’s be honest. Being honest is tough for us guys. Then add admitting we’re wrong to the mix, or that we’re a screw up, and that brings on a whole other set of masculinity pushback that we guys just aren’t good at doing. Now imagine you get called out in your profession for screwing up …

Spirituality Is Such A Guy Thing – Chris Tompkins

Yes, real men (whatever that means) get spirituality. It’s not some woo-woo, out of this world thing. It’s at the core of who you are as a man. Don’t’ believe me? Fine. Not going to twist your arm, but it is true. Spirituality makes the man. Joining me to have this convo is one of …

Divorcing with Dignity – Leo Cardenas

I plan to get divorced, said no guy, as he stands at the alter getting married. Yet, it happens and how we get through it is a very individual experience. This is a real. Raw, honest chat about divorce, with a guy who’s dove into the trenches of being a single Dad and discovering himself …

How You, As A Man, Can Stop Shaming Men and Vulnerability

Admit it. We’ve all been shamed as men for our vulnerability and it has nothing to do with Brene’ Brown and her work around shame and vulnerability. For most of us men, we shame each other from being vulnerable. That crap needs to stop. It’s not healthy, nor is it useful for us in our …

Why Guys 40 Plus Need This Podcast

 I’m a 40 Plus Guy. A dad. A small business owner. A friend. A mentor. A lot of, of lot of things, like most people. I’m also a guy that wants to connect with guys, guy-to-guy on a deeper level, to make me a better man and hopefully help other guys do the same. Kind …

381: What you can’t see makes you bolder – Lachi

Sometimes the bolder move of coming out of the closet is something that you can’t see and others can’t see in you. When we say, “See,” we mean, you should take that word literally. Yet, being legally blind doesn’t mean you can’t do the bolder things you want to do, go the places you want…