362:  Taking flight to live your Life (UN)Closeted – Nathan Seaward

Flying. Minimalism. Sobriety. Adventure. Each one of those things is about taking flight to live an epic life and helping others live their version of an epic life. Quiet a mixed bag of tricks, eh? Yet, when it all gets put together, you find an extraordinary life where adventure and exploration are prevalent and you…

361: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloseting Confusion, Courage, Commitment

What happens when you get stuck in fear, don’t do the thing you most want to do, and you find yourself continuing to apologize for your life? If you are like most of us, you wallow in confusion and don’t get shit done! You freeze, might get angry with yourself, and then either start going…

360: (UN)Closeting The Power of Tarot for Coming Out – Seth Vermilya

Coming out is a challenge. It’s sticky, icky, and sometimes a blissful happy trail. Regardless of how the journey goes, guidance is always helpful. But where do you turn? Whom do you ask for help? The answers lie within you. Whether you’re coming out of the sexuality or gender identity closet, or coming out of…

359: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloseting Jussie Smollett and our reactions!

Headline news about Jussie Smollett has us all questioning what’s happening here in America, especially, as it pertains to race, LGBTQ issues, and fake news. He made a bold move and it backfired. Yet, like rabid dogs, we could all jump on the bandwagons of “Jail the MOFO,” or “What was he thinking?,” or “This…

358: The Bold Move Of Radical Kindness – Rocco Cozza

Imagine practicing radical kindness. Now imagine others being kind and also practicing radical kindness. What would our world be like if we all operated from that perspective without all the other bullshit? Simply stated, kindness rocks. So why don’t we practice it more often, even in the subtlest ways of living? Do we forget to…

357: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Is your Vision To Big? Not!

We all have dreams. Vision of things that we say we want to do. Heck just this past week we heard from Chase Boehringer how his bucket list lifestyle, not only saved his life, but is not his dream calling. Yet, what he did, and what most of us do, we have these big hairy…

356: Suicide or Bucket List. Now that’s a bold choice! – Chase Boehringer

Darkness. Despair. Depression. Divorce. Sounds pretty gloomy and not anything that anyone would but on their bucket list. It was gloomy, ugly, and daunting, and the only way through was either to continue to live his life or to end it. But before ending it, he decided to do one thing that he’d said he…

355: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloset Your Fun and Creativity

If you aren’t having fun and thinking you aren’t creative, then you’re in good company. Most of us forget to have fun. Life gets in the way, demands take over, and before you know it work, eat, sleep; work, eat, sleep; work, eat, sleep. The hamster wheel is on high speed and we glaze over…