331: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – The Annoying Demands of Perfection

Nothing is perfect. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. But we all know that, yet we pursue perfection and allow it to drive us batty. It’s such a waste of energy that could be put to better use. Which begs the question, “If perfection doesn’t exist, how could we better use our energy, than pursuing perfection?” Here’s two…

330: Making The Bold Move of Kindness – Jill Lublin

Kindness. At times it seems to be elusive. Especially in our world today. People from all walks of life seem more divisive and at odds with one another. Yet, how different would we all be, myself included, if we practiced more kindness, empathy, and understanding? It could be, and probably would be a completely different…

329: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Let The Unexpected Be Yo Friend!

I know the future, I never encounter anything unexpected, and I am fully in control of what is to come. Yeah right! But don’t we wish that were true? Alas, the unexpected is inevitable. So why do we fight it, cringe when it shows up, and then wail and moan as we deal with it…

328: Bringing Hollywood Out of The LGBTQ Closet – Jason T. Gaffney

Imagine, in the land of imagination – Hollywood – that LGBTQ characters have leading roles that are never based on stereotypes. That the main conflicts of LGBTQ characters face on the big screen aren’t based solely on their sexual orientation. That female characters have roles that go beyond mother, wife, daughter, and/or woman-in-jeopardy. And, that…

327: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – 3 Simple Confusion Busters

I’m never confused. You’re never confused. We’re all never confused. So why do we need to call Confusion Busters? Because we’re all lying! And, we all hate being in a state of confusion. Or at least most of us do. Those of you who enjoy confusion probably also have a thing for getting dental work…

325: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Just Admit It

Two words, “Admit It” can fix so many things. Yet we don’t like to admit things as humans. And then before you know it, we repress crap and then become miserable. So what’s the solution? LOL. Just admit whatever you’re holding back and get it out of your system. Website Twitter Facebook

324: Coming Out and Seeing You, for You – Brandon Stansell

We all want to be seen. We all want to be loved. We all want to be connected. And when we don’t feel seen, we forget to see ourselves for who we are and be content with that. Yet, sometimes we need little reminders along the way, and a few good people to nudge us…

323: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Do you know these people?

I realized, through all the crap that is going on in our country and the world, that I know these people. People who don’t love themselves, let their egos get in the way, and they forget what it means to be human. Do you know these people? I’m sure you do, and sometimes we all…

320: Boldly Play Like Your Life Depends On It – Jeff Harry

Innocence lost. Adulting too much. Then suddenly you’re stressed, searching for your passion, and feeling like you’re getting nowhere. All because, you forgot how to play. Yes, play like a child. No fear, imaginations gone wild, and just doing what kids do…play! What a fun closet to come out of…the one that says, “Play is…