311: The Closet of Single Parenthood: A Bold Choice – Emma Brockes

Sure. Parenthood is a choice for most of us. Except for those unexpected surprises. But when you finally decide, there’s no time like the present, even if you are about to peak out of the 30-something years, find yourself single, and flirting with the early stages of a same-sex relationship, your decision to be a…

310: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – No Penetration, Does Matter

If you haven’t heard, the Catholic Church is having some problems. Overtly sexual indiscretion problems. Hey it happens. But it shouldn’t. This really isn’t new, news with the church, but what took me and others aback was the Catholic Leagues Presidents’ – Bill Donohue – to the Grand Jury finding of abuse of in Pennsylvania.…

309: Uncloseting the Artist Within – Blake Jamieson

This is one of those, I knew him when moments. I knew him when he was trying to find himself. I knew him when he helped me with my social media. I knew him when he was in dark times. I knew him when I saw him come blazing out of his closet to do…

308: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Sh*t is Short-Lived and Self-Created

I know some of you are probably going to balk at this. Go ahead. Balk, balk, balk. But the truth is, most sh*t in life is short-lived and self-created. Think about it. When stuff happens, how of it was because of something you did, or allowed yourself to blow out of proportion, and then when…

307: Uncloseting Spirituality & The Business of Sex – Lance Navarro

Have you ever wished you could find a place to learn, grow, let go, connect and enjoy absolute bliss and ecstatic pleasure? Sounds great doesn’t it! But then you find yourself stopping yourself, or someone else stopping you all because it might be taboo, wrong, or scary. Scary to let yourself be yourself. Scary to…

306: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Let Sh*t Happen So Shift Can Happen

Honestly, none of likes having sh*t happening in our lives. It’s stressful, frustrating, annoying and most of all isn’t fun. However, when we realize that sh*t happens so that shift can happen, then it becomes a lot easier to contend with the sh*t of life. So here’s a short lesson in allowing the sh*t of…

305: Boldly Stepping Beyond Toxic Perfectionism – Petra Kolber

Gosh I’m a fraud. I don’t want anyone to know I don’t know it all? And, I sure the heck don’t want to screw up in front of my friends. I just don’t get how everyone else has such a perfect life except me? Sound familiar? Of course it does because you are human and…

304: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Trust Your Gut

We’ve talked about 7 ways to get your sh*t together. But this one is a true winner. It’s going to require that you look to your past, but don’t get caught up in the crap of the past. It’s about looking back when something has gone right, when you felt that pull to do something…

303: Coming Out To Create a Gender Revolution – Ann Travers

Imagine being a boy forced to attend school dressed in a girls’ uniform. Imagine being a girl banned from the girls’ bathroom and too afraid to “go” in a stall surrounded by boys. Imagine being asked, again and again, by other kids, “Are you a boy or a girl?” Imagine having your deepest sense of…

302: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Non-Negotiables S*it List

If you can’t get your S*it together, it might be because you are negotiating way to much in your life. Giving in, letting things be OK instead of great, not standing up for yourself or your values. And then you want to cry, cry, cry and ask, “Why can’t I get my S*it together?” Because…