301: Coming Out To Be The Gay, White Oprah – Matt (Mattie) Marr

Some people are gifted, then some people are gifted with the gift of gab. So what do you do when you are from Southern Oklahoma, have the gift of gab, and love to act…you move to Beverly Hills of course. Well maybe you don’t live in Beverly Hills, but you are Beverly Hills adjacent and…

299: Uncloseting Corporate Culture – Mike Ganino

We’ve all been in jobs where we roll our eyes, wonder who’s on first, and just say in our heads, “Screw it. I’m just here to get a paycheck!” Sometimes that’s our own stuff that we feel that way, but unfortunately, too often, it’s the organization that we work for is the biggest culprit to…

298: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Stop Apologizing

Today we continue to explore the real truths as to why you can’t get your shit together. I’m sorry to be so blunt. Oh wait. No I’m not, and I’m not going to apologize for telling it like it is. You see, that’s part of the problem…to much apologizing! We apologize for being ourselves, doing…

297: Behaving Boldly, Chasing Dreams, Pony’s & Fridays – Elise Russell

Sometimes you’ve got to chase your dreams, make a bold move, and focus on two things that you find make you happy. For some that might be eating pizza and going on vacation. For others it could be taking a stand for advocacy, or stepping out of a situation that no longer serves you. However,…

296: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Quit Living Someone Else’s Dreams

Ok, you’re stuck and trying to figure out your next steps for getting your shit together. Over and over again you make a run at it and before you know it, you’re still stuck. But it’s not really you that’s stuck, it’s your dream that is stuck because it’s not your dream but someone else’s…

295: The Art of Discomfort – Polis Loizou

Where does never following conventions or bowing down to peer pressure lead you? To start a London-based theatre company despite never having previously studied theatre or staged a show, of course. Or maybe it leads you to get lost in Marrakech as a teenager or becoming completely exposed in a Japanese Onsen. All of these…

294: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Stop Making Excuses

OMG. This is my worst nightmare, and probably yours too, but you may not be admitting it yet. We are a society addicted to making excuses. Yes addicted. Shocking as that may seem, we make excuses, like we change our underwear. And then we wonder why we can’t make headway, be successful, or get our…

293: Bold Moves Keep On Coming – Davis Mallory

The truth is, once you make a bold move, you’ve got the blueprint, and you can keep those bold moves coming. Doesn’t mean it’s a piece of cake, or that you can dance and sing your way through life, unless that’s what your bold moves are all about. But, that singing, songwriting, dancing and acting…

292: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Confronting Confusion

You’re struggling to get on track. It’s a part of getting your shit together, but one thing that just keeps creeping up is the constant CONFUSION. Should you do this, or do that? If you do it, will it be the right move? CONFUSION, CONFUSION, CONFUSION. So how do you remedy the situation? YOU CONFRONT…