Waterpolo, Law, and plans…nothing is as it seems. But what’s the deal with plans…why are they so damn important…or not? Maybe because we think if we have them, we don’t ever have to make a decision again, until you realize that you chose a job, but not a life. From bad ass to bad life,…
262: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloset Your Past
A friend of mine inspired this rant. It’s about allowing the past to catch up to your present so that you can make the BOLD MOVE you are meant to make. In Barbara’s journey she came back to her roots and then made the bold move to uncloset her beliefs and fears to do the…
261: One Hot Dog, Uncloseted His Life – Mark Asquith
20 years ago a hot dog impacted his life. Yes I said a hot dog. This hot dog was so impactful it caused him to come out of his closet…bun and all. No longer willing to work for “nob heads” any longer, Mark Asquith decided to try his hand at digital product development and began…
260: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Bold Move #WALKOUT
Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. So proud of our youth for taking a stand and saying enough is enough. #NATIONALWALKOUTDAY occurred just two days ago, yet the impact will move on…or at least let’s hope so. In fact, that is what this movement, like so many others, is all about…HOPE! Whether you agree with them or not,…
259: Fix Yo Face, Fix Yo Life – Epiphany Mattel
If you don’t respect yourself ain’t nobody else going to respect ya either…no matter how pretty yo face is or isn’t. And even if your own parents don’t respect who you are, then sometimes you just gotta sashay away and say, “I’m here to respect myself first and foremost and using that power to spread…
258: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Your F*ck It Bucket – Pt. 2
Last week on the Uncloseted Riff and Rant we got you comfortable dumping crap into your F*CK IT BUCKET that was getting in the way of you making your bold move and living your life uncloseted. This week, we go the other direction. We’re going to fill your F*CK IT BUCKET with good stuff so…
257: Uncloseting your business – John Jantsch
Whether you own a business, desire to, or find yourself up to your armpits in being an Entrepreneur, one thing for sure that you may not realize. A majority of your problems exist because you won’t come out of the closet in your business. From creativity to financial savvy; idea popping to brain dead without…
256: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Your F*ck It Bucket – Pt. 1
Done. Just done. Not going to do it. You just want to say F*ck It! We’ve all been there and it sucks. But…when you us the power of F*ck It to move you forward. something interesting happens. Come explore with me today the power of saying F*ck It to the stuff that is getting in…
254: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Check Yourself – Don’t Be A 45
He’s our President, like it or not. But he’s also not checking himself, but yet he’s being his bold self, like it or not. Today, I take a stab at the Commander in Chief and look deeply at some of the closets he’s in and how he’s coming out, even if it’s not for the…
253: Golf Balls, Thunderstorms and Living Life Uncloseted – Steve Gamlin
Life is full of shit storms. We all have them and they can’t be avoided, no matter how much we try. In fact sometimes bursts in to flames delivering a career change, divorce, and near bankruptcy. That’s enough emotional firewood to burn any hope of recovery to the ground. Or… Maybe you see this as…