Episode 200: Celebrating the Music & Milestones of our LGBTQ Life – Tony Moran

I’m 54, he’s 50 something. We’re celebrating 200 Episodes of The Coming Out Lounge. He’s celebrating 35 years in the music business rocking the dance music industry. All that is to say, you’re never too old to rock the world, your way. But it does beg the question, “How do you continue to bring yourself…

Episode 199: Never Let A Narcissist Keep You Closeted – Chris Hyde

So what is the difference between self-love and being an arrogant asshole. A lot! It’s just one small step to the right when you move from self-love to conceit and narcissist. From gas lighting to fake love, we’re exploring how narcissists have a deep effect on our coming out journey’s. In today’s episode we go…

Episode 197: The Art of Improv, Communication, and Change – Mike Ganino

He’s a repeat offender, but actually he’s a repeat guest that is back to talk about the art of using Improv to communicate more clearly in the throes of change. Yes, I said Improv when your deep in the tornadoes of change. Whether you’re coming out, making a career change, going through a relationship break-up,…

Episode 195: Love Lives Without Judgment – Raph Solo

It’s time to declare that you have the right to love without judgment! Yes you do. No matter your desires – gay, lesbian, bi, poly – love is love and it is the summer of love once again. This summer we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the summer of love. A time in the Haight-Ashbury…

Episode 194: Uncloseted Riffs & Rants – Play Your Scene! – Rick Clemons

As Dan Savage would say, ITMFA – Impeach The Mother Fucker Already! As 45 turns the tables on my transgender brother and sisters this week by declaring them unfit to serve in the military, I felt even more compelled to support Savage and his ITMFA campaign. Serendipitously, I also interviewed a friend of mine, Mike…

Episode 193: Out Your Way At Work – Rhodes Perry

You’re out. Or considering coming out. One of the scariest, most confusing aspects of coming out is whether to be out in the work environment. Some say “yes,” others say “no,” and for others it’s a non-issue. Regardless of what way you are leaning, there’s a lot of hurdles to consider for you, your livelihood,…

Episode 191: Just Let Him Play. Just Let Him Be – G. Nigel Moya

So often we get told to “Man up,” or “Act like a lady,” or “Quit being such a cry baby.” All words that cut like a knife, and often times scar us for life. And once the scar is there, it never really goes away, even with the best plastic surgery, the memory of how…