Episode 190: FOBO – Fear Of a Better Option – Rick Clemons

This weekend I was faced with FOMO. Fear of missing out, but in reality I was facing FOBO – Fear of Better Option. I’m attending World Domination Summit in Portland and one of the activities is a food around the world experience where you could choose to have a Columbian, Iraqi, or Congoloese dinner to…

Episode 189: Coming Out And Dancing Your Way Into Your True Calling – Susan Duprey

From theater dork and film student to non-profit work and dancing her way through Boston, NYC, Europe and Los Angeles, today’s guest finally came out, submitted to her calling to go back to school for nutrition and found a path for delving more deeply into spiritual based practices. Her journey has taken her to a…

Episode 188: Opportunities! Do You Use Them or Lose Them? – Rick Clemons

I’ve been handed a lot of opportunities in my life. Some good, some not so good. All have given me opportunities to…well you’ll just have to listen and find out. However, as you listen to this riff and rant, I invite you to seek out the OPPORTUNITY to develop your own five questions to help…

Episode 186: He Came Out. She Became A Beacon of Hope – Rebecca Hames

It’s not often we hear the other side of the story. You know the one from the other side of the closet – the spouses story…from the spouse who’s spouse has come out. But today, we once again share what it’s like when your dreams are shattered and your trust and belief in someone vanishes…

Episode 185: Loving Without Boundaries – What, Why, and How – Kitty Chambliss

Who you love, how you love, and how you create your relationships is nobody’s business. Got it? Ok, I know. Easier said than done. Yet, it seems in this day and age there is still an overwhelming societal desire to be up in everyone’s busyness…yes I said busyness…because when you get into someone else’s relationship…

Episode 184: It’s Ok. Go Be You! – Scott Kirkendall

There comes a point where denying your inner essence leads you to a space of discovering, embracing, and giving yourself permission to be the real you. Is it painful? Hell yes. Is it worth it? Oh, hell, hell yes. But before you can get to that point, you have to go through a transition. A…

Episode 181: Connection. A Key Ingredient For Coming Out – Alan Cohen

Connections. It’s all about connections. Or is it about connecting the dots, or creating connections? The answer is yes, yes, and yes. Without connections, we don’t have compassion. Without connections we can’t understand our differences. And, without connections, you don’t get tickets to see Hamilton on Broadway, but that’s a different topic for a different…