Yes, we still live in a world where being out of the closet can mean the difference between life and death, having a job or being canned, and following your passion or being shunned by those in your industry – all because of your sexuality. Today, we focus on the later as we open the…
Episode 131: Three Marriages and A Transition: Part 2 – Stephanie Poole
We’re back with the continuation of a discussion with Stephanie Poole, Male-to-Female, transgender. In the first episode Stephanie shared his/her journey to the monumental change of finally finding herself at age 50. Through three marriages and raising children, Stephanie finally came to the juncture where living the lie just wasn’t who he/she was meant to…
Episode 130: Three Marriages and A Transition: Part 1 – Stephanie Poole
We’ve all heard the saying, “You’re going to keep being taught the lesson, until you learn it.” Not sure today’s guest needed to learn a lesson, but she’s had plenty of lessons learned in her 50+ years here on the planet. From man of the world to woman on purpose, she finally found herself at…
Episode 129: Coming Out, Coming Back to Spirituality – Bobbi Becker
As wise man once said, “Coming out is one of the most spiritual experiences a human being can ever have!” Yet, in that process, many LGBTQ individuals find themselves disconnected from their religion, faith, and inner self. Out of shame and religious condemnation, many find themselves walking away from faith, church, and even spirituality, at…
Episode 128: Home For The LGBTQ Holidays – Rick Clemons
It’s inevitable. The holidays are here and there’s no escaping them. Well I guess you could if you choose to go into some altered state of some other reality, but for most of us that just isn’t possible. Now add to the holiday season the challenges of being LGBTQ, single, working in a job that…
Episode 127: Coming Out To Admit You Have A Broken Boner – Dan Canfield
We’ve all got coming out stories. That’s what I preach, that’s what I teach, and that’s what I help people do is come out with their truth. But as a man, I’d have to admit, if it were true that my boner was broken, I’d have a hard time swallowing my pride (no pun intended)…
Episode 126: Coming Out To Be A Bad Ass Rocker Chic – Ali Handal
You never stop coming out. And, that isn’t just a mantra for the LGBTQ community. It’s a mantra for life. So for a moment imagine being on a path, doing the thing you think you’re supposed to be doing, and then someone tells you the only way to get where you’re going is to “suck!”…
Episode 125: B-Out, B-You, Shift Your Coming Out Script – Mark Willett
One of the things we all need as we come out to be our true selves – regardless of our sexual orientation – is a safe, welcoming space. Often that comes in the form of a community of like-minded individuals. But too often, even in our own communities, we find that we don’t fit in…
Episode 124: Man-To-Man. Gay Dad to Gay Dad. Our Lives Post Presidential Election – Jay Forte
It’s no secret that America’s recent Presidential Election sent got a lot of us scratching our heads, saying, “What the FUCK just happened?” And for others it sent a cry of jubilation across the country because they feel like their voices finally got heard. Regardless of which camp you stand in, at least for now,…
Episode 123: Coming Out & Dating Safe – Mike Domitrz
The song lyrics say, “A kiss is just a kiss.” But how true is that? What if that kiss is unwanted? Suddenly, a sense of danger or helplessness rears its ugly head and things could suddenly go awry, in much the same way many of us feel helplessness and danger in our coming out journeys…