In Episode 110 we began the journey with Emily Reese as she discovered her husband was gay. The heartache, confusion, and questioning that often comes when you realize you’re gay, is the same emotions a spouse feels when they uncover the truth about their husband or wife. Shock, hurt, and anger are the normal emotions…
Episode 110: Bonus Episode For National Coming Out Day: The Other Side of The Story From a Heterosexual Spouse – Emily Reese, Part 1
The words ring out, “Frankly My Dear I’m Gay!” Or, maybe you discover history on the computer to websites you know you didn’t visit. Regardless of the way you finally hear the truth from your spouse, you’re never quite prepared to have your life unraveled…and in most cases, neither was your spouse. But now here…
Episode 109: Truthtini – What Would You Do? – Rick Clemons
You’re hiding. The mask is on. You want to be more than what you are. Yet, the fears of the unknown and disappointing others, haunt you and keep you frozen in a life that isn’t serving you. Regardless of your coming our journey, it’s time to make a big, bold, move. So what do you…
Episode 108: Religion, Coming Out, and Therapy – Tyler Rich
Imagine having the support to draw boundaries. The kind of boundaries that say, “I love you, respect you, but you don’t get to abuse me in this manner any longer!” Powerful, right? Now imagine, really understanding why some people exercise their religious freedom to box you in. Everything from uneducated homophobia shame, to “My God…
Episode 107: Coming Out For PrEP…To Use or Not To Use – Damon L. Jacobs
One of the greatest fears for gay men, and many in society, is contracting HIV. Yet, there is an answer. An answer that is controversial – in and outside of the gay community. Rather than wrap hate around a pointed finger and say, “Let them die in their gay plague,” let’s at least step into…
Episode 106: He Might Be Queer As Folk, But He’s So Much More – Hal Sparks
His character, and the rest of the cast may have caused a few hearts to throb and a few “To the rights” to want to send them to hell, but the truth is, Queer As Folk, changed the face of life as you thought you saw it for the LGBTQ community…even though the “Q” was…
Episode 105: Coming Out To Be Fiercely You – Jackie Huba
Fiercely You: Be Fabulous and Confident by Thinking Like a Drag Queen, by Jackie Huba is going to help you step up to the plate of being fiercely you! Jackie unleashes her inner drag queen on us today in The Coming Out Lounge, dishing up 5 Keys to Being Fierce that will help you ignore…
Episode 104: Love and Tolerance, Yeah it’s an LGBTQ Thing – Hans Hirschi
You may not have to be LGBTQ to love, or to tolerate, but the truth is, you sure get your own big doses of both when you come out of the closet. Sometimes those closets are our work, yet we need to work right? But what do we tuck away in our closets when we…
Episode 103: Only Say The Words: Gay & Catholic – Scott Pomfret
For many of us, our faith and our sexuality are the two things that kept us in the closet because they didn’t know how to play nicely in the sandbox of life. Then, often by some fate of chance, the novels of our lives unfold…no longer being fiction…because we chose to finally say the words…
Episode 102: Music of Your Soul…Coming Out & Being Gay – Matt Consola
Some call it your soul speaking to you. Others say it’s your calling. And then there are those who say we simply dance to our own beat. Yup it’s the music of our lives…our gay lives that help us finally sing and dance in our own gay skin. You might even call it the ultimate…