You’re out, dating, mating, or just hooking up. Things are going smooth, awful, or so, so. Yet the same broken wheel keeps rolling along. Maybe you’re having trouble with sex and intimacy. Or it could be problems with guilt, shame, or body issues. And of course who can forget the ever so popular – not…
Episode 095: Coming Out…To Be or Not To Be Daddy’s Boy – Daniel Armando
Lights, camera, action. Instead of hiding, I want you to imagine, putting your LGBTQ self out there on the big screen or stage, and not being ashamed of who you are. You are a star. A bright shining star, and worthy of being yourself. This is exactly why I’m excited to introduce you to Daniel…
Episode 094: In or “Out” at Work: Advice From the Professional Lesbian – Jenn T. Grace
As of today, there are 19 states where gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders have workplace protections in place that prevent them from being fired based on their sexual orientation, and gender identity. There are an additional three states, that protect gays and lesbians, but not transgenders. Do you get the picture? If not, here’s the…
Episode 093: She’s Straight and Got A Coming Out Story Too! – Michelle Owens
Nothing is off limits. Nothing. When you’re learning to step into your truth, embrace your gifts, question the status quo, and coming out of your own closets, nothing is ever off limits. And, I’m here to tell you that if you believe otherwise, you’re kidding yourself. In fact, I’d invite you to step into everything…
Episode 092: Masculinity, Vulnerability, and Sexuality…The Perfect Storm – Zachary Zane
Sometimes, well actually most of the time, the way to show up in the world is in the moment. That’s exactly how my guest and I met today. No we weren’t on some hook-up app, or cruising each other in a club. We were both putting our stuff out on the proverbial hookup site –…
Episode 091: Two Gay Guys Get Real About Life, Love and The Pursuit Of Authenticity – Edward Rivera
Real talk. No fluff. And finding your truest calling…maybe even while being gay but not making it the focus of who you are, for yourself and the world. Today we’re exploring what it’s like to be a guy, a gay guy, who keeps coming face-to-face with his destiny, but often finding it slipping away, only…
Episode 090: Ready, set, action. The act of closet dwelling and coming out – Michael Schreiber
Welcome to the Actors’ Studio…I’m just kidding, but not really. You see in life, hiding in the closet, it’s all an act. It’s a script we decide to run through, day after day, after day. It’s very similar to an actor’s life, and how they see themselves. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, yet often an actor doesn’t…
Episode 089: Connection, Cuddling, and Coming Out – Adam Lippin
Isolation. Rejection. Lack of love. All are very common fears that those who are hiding in the closet face. Yet at the core, all of those represent the need to connected and cuddled into the warm arms of acceptance. So how do you get past those fears? Today we’re going to take a unique approach …
Episode 088: It’s all about Fair Play In The LGBTQ Game Of Sports – Cyd Zeigler
Let’s play ball. Or hockey, ice skate, run track, do gymnastics, or any other sport…but if your LGBT, let’s don’t ask don’t tell. Now that might sound weird in this day and age, but it’s not. While not as prevalent as it used to be hide your truth on the playing field, courts, or rinks,…
I Surrender…Being Gay is A Choice…What The June 12 Orlando Massacre Taught Me!
When tragedy hits…we all suffer. When hate prevails…we all pay. When darkness descends…we all have opportunity to create light. My thoughts on the Orlando Mass Killings and what this event has taught me to choose!