259: Sean Fitzgerald – Alternatives For Staying On Top Of Your Health

Maintaining our health as gay men is a matrix. From erectile dysfunction, to weight loss, cardio health, and everything in between, it can be a complex journey to optimal health. Yet, what can happen when we engage beyond the normally prescribed medical protocols and guidance to lean into our optimal health? Sean Fitzgerald, a leading …

605: Ry Levey – Out & Proud In The Wrestling World

“And in this corner we have an out, proud, wrestler.” Wait, what? Wrestlers can be gay? Of course they can. We queers are everywhere, so let’s celebrate with Ry Levey, film maker. His film Out In The Ring, showcases the hidden world of queer wrestlers and also parallels the nuances of the wrestling world imitate …

258: River Faire – Stepping Into Radical Integrity As A Gay Man

It’s the new year. And in this new year what would happen if you made integrity, and not just integrity, but you committed to living a life of radical integrity, “What might be different?” Author, soul coach, and body-centered therapist River Faire shares how his life of radical integrity has changed his life for the …

604: River Faire – How to start living a life of Radical Integrity – right now!

It’s 2024 and I want to invite you as LGBTQ+ individuals to step into a life of Radical Integrity. But, what does that mean? How can it benefit you? Today we explore that concept with author, soul coach, and body-centered therapist River Faire. He candidly shares how living a life of radical integrity has changed …

257: Rick Clemons – What are you willing to…in 2024

This is not a New Year’s Resolution podcast. It is a come to Jesus podcast with you and yourself. But first, Happy New Year. Now that we have that out of the way, what are you willing to do this coming year, for you, to make you better, happier, more successful, more content? It all …

603: Patty Cabot – Living Beyond The Person You Thought You Were

Imagine gaining and losing 50 to 75 pounds every two years as a teen. Miserable, right? The imagine at 38 years old discovering that you issues with food and weight were a symptom of a much deeper issue: your childhood sexual abuse. Today’s Guest, Patty Cabot, author of Not That Girl Anymore, shares the tremendous …

256: Kevin Jones – Living Out & Proud In The Corporate Closet

Being out and proud is one of the most freeing and liberating experiences an LGBTQ person can experience. It can also create anxiety on how out you can be in certain situations – like work! Could you lose your job, experience discrimination, or maybe just feel like you can’t be fully yourself in the work …

602: Quinn O’Briant – Becoming The Joy Boss of Your Life!

It’s the most joyful time of the year…or is it? For many of us the holidays bring joy, joy, joy but then it also brings stress, frustration, and overwhelm. Yet, in life, we are the master of our own joy! Today we explore how to bring joy into our life by planting seeds or creating …

255: Adam Fitzgerald – Recovering from Recovery. Another way to sobriety.

Imagine sobriety coming from having more sex? Sounds crazy, right? But there are multiple pathways to becoming sober and staying sober. In his new book, Recovery From Recovery: One gay man’s journey toward sexual and emotional freedom during and after sobriety, Adam Fitzgerald shares how his journey into sobriety led him to a sexual freedom …