Episode 040: Reconciling My Faith As A Gay Catholic Priest – Mark Brewer

No matter where you turn in the debate about homosexuality, you’re sure to find some one quoting bible scriptures. It seems to be the easiest, yet most misunderstood defense against those who believe that we were born this way and those who stand firm in their vows that homosexuality is an abomination against God and…

Episode 039: The Shock, Awe, & Healing With My Gay Dad – Suzanne Phare

It’s one thing to come out of the closet. It’s a whole other journey when you’re Dad comes out to you and then tells you shortly there after, “I’m HIV+!” Welcome to Suzanne Phare’s life! A life that turned her formative and teen years into an expedition of SHOCK, AWE, & HEALING! Truth is, parent…

Episode 038: Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi? – Joe Kort

You’re man’s fooling around on the side. You don’t like it and you sure don’t like it when you find out he’s doing it, not with another woman, but with a MAN. Now what are you going to do? Before you go all brash and dramazilla on him, let’s think about the real question. Is…

Episode 037: It’s Time For Your Big Fat Gay Wedding – Tonia Adleta

First you come out, then you hook up a few times, date someone or several someone’s regularly for awhile (hopefully), break up a few times, find Mr. or Mrs. Right, and then if you happen to have the urge, and live in a sane state where Gay Marriage is legal, you get married. That’s quite…

Episode 033: Mindset & Mindfulness Of Coming Out – Ana Melikian

Let’s Get Out of Our Heads and Into Our Minds About Coming Out! And while we’re at it let’s talk about STARDOM! We all have our thoughts…the question is, how much do we pay attention to them? During the chaos, excitement, and fears of coming out, we can get up in our heads and think…

Episode 032: Getting Past The Trauma of Coming Out – Nick Venegoni

Coming Out! Scary, exciting, and it can be traumatic…but it doesn’t have to! Admit it! The thought of coming out can be one of the scariest things you’ll ever do in your life. Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. The fact that you’re going to make a statement to your public – family, …