Episode 001: Truth-tinis – Bruce Jenner’s Coming Out As A Transgender Woman

Welcome to Truth-tinis. These delicious little martinis for life’s challenges are designed to help you get your truth on, so that you can step out of the closets of your life freed from feelings of guilt, shame, and not good enough. Truth-tinis are bitesized versions of the coming out lounge that are servied with quick…

Episode 028: What’s Marriage Got To Do With It? – Midge Noble

Gay marriage is a reality. It’s now become the fabric of our lives in 37 states and 18 countries across the globe. For those who are young and just venturing into the world of LGBT dating and mating, these are momentous times. Life without the freedom to marry as a same sex couple is almost…

Episode 027: How To Be A Thoughtful Gay Man – Josh Hersh

One Question! Are you the gay man that wants more community and who’s ready to experience gay culture in a way that is free from the stereotypes that corporations, media, and money have told us who to be? Maybe you feel like it’s time to draw aline in the sand and become the community we…

Episode 026: Perfect As You Are – Mark Anthony Lord

What would it feel like to be an empowered LGBT person, awakened to your truth, knowing that you are perfect, just as you are. Truth is, you already are. This week, the Coming Out Lounge is focused on providing you with tools to transform, give you the support you need to make positive changes, and…

Episode 025: Honoring Your Original Impulse To Creatively Come Out – Cynthia Morris

Cynthia Morris believes everyone needs to liberate his or her creative genius and come out! Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, a writer, artist, entrepreneur, you need to follow your original impulse to turn your dreams into exiting realities – even if that exciting reality means saying, “I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender!” Thus, the…

Episode 024: Gay Men & The New Way Forward – Raymond Rigoglioso

Gay men are a gift! Not just to other gay men, but to the world at large. Sound crazy? It’s not. All of us as human beings are gifts to the world in our own unique way, and gay men are no different. Yet, there’s something special that gay men possess that often makes the…

Episode 023: Dating With Dignity with Marni Battista

You’ve been waiting to come out. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are in high gear. Possibly, you’ve been experimenting with same sex encounters, but you wouldn’t necessarily consider it dating. Finally, you’ve said the words, “I’m gay,” and now it’s time to find your Mr. or Mrs. Right. Let the dating games begin. Known as…

Episode 022: Sex, Food, Desire, and Coming Out!

Call it cravings or desires, we humans want what we want when we want it! Yet, being our sexual selves aren’t just a craving, it’s who we are at our core. But, what about that desire to come out of the closet? That innate urge to just be who we are? How does sex, food,…

Episode 021: The Art Of Authenticity

Pretending To Be Who You’re Not Is Scarier Than Being Who You’re Truly Meant To Be! In a world of reality TV Shows, tabloid magazines, and “Drink This Magic Elixir And Lose 25 Pounds Overnight,” is it really all that surprising that we’re driven to live life’s pretending to be something that we’re not? It’s…