281: Kadeem Alphanso Fyffe – Threading the needle of gay success

From the moment he was a young man, he knew, and was taught – no one is going to hand you anything and you have to go out and get it yourself. And as a Jamaican-American man that is exactly what he did. He’s gone out and fiercely pursued his dreams and lived his life …

627: Jamie Marich – You Lied To Me About God

The journey of an LGBTQ+ persons life, more often than not, requires the GOD TALK. And even more often that not, that conversation kills their desire to talk about GOD. Today we have a candid discussion, just in time for Pride month, about the relationship you can have with GOD and all the lies you’ve …

287: Michael Andor Brodeur – The true meaning of muscle in a gay mans world

Men, muscle and masculinity. It seems to be that constant tug-of-war in our male psyche. Then add to the mix being gay, and suddenly we’re a mess. Whether you’re a muscle chaser, worshipper, or it’s not your thing, there is that swole that happens in your loins when you feast upon a man, regardless of …

623: Kevin O’Connor – Navigating Grief and Coming Out

From coming out to losing people in life, grief is part of he equation. Yet you an rise above grief and move forward, if you choose. Helping us unpack the grief of coming out and moving on is author Kevin O’Connor who learned a lot about grief living two floors above it in his family’s …

275: Jeza Belle – Yes You Can Be Christian and a Drag Queen

Today we are going to church to talk about being Christian, Gay, and a Drag Queen. And who better to discuss this topic then Jeza Belle, author of Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional. She proves you can be Christian, gay, and a Drag Queen. Hallelujah! About Jeza Jeza Belle is a Drag …

621: Jeza Belle – The Truth About Being Gay, Christian, and a Drag Queen

Shocking as it might sound, you can be gay, Christian, a drag queen and to write the 1st traditionally published Christian Devotional as a Drag Queen – Hallelujah! Speaking her truth, Jeza Belle shares Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional for all to consume. Cause who couldn’t use a little good in their …

273: Steve Milliken – A Late Bloomer, Baby Bloomers Guide to Being Gay

Can we just talk about gay generation gaps? Why is it that the Millenials and Gen Z’s have no time for the generations that paved the way for them to be so out and proud? Well rather than pointing fingers and being bitchy, let’s enjoy stories and insights from a Late Bloomer, Baby Boomer, Author …

270: Gregory Allen – 40 + and thriving beyond the monsters in his life!

He’s 40+. He’s thriving. He’s still tackling the monsters under his own bed. But, he’s thrilled to be the gay man, artist, and creative he is, because he loves and accepts himself exactly for who he is. Gregory G. Allen, ward-winning author, screenwriter, filmmaker and actor candidly shares what he’s learned about being a gay …

616: Gregory Allen – Inviting the monsters of your life out to play

Imagine being 19, just coming out, and heading to NYC – broadway to be exact – and all those dreams turn into a different dream you never would have imagined. Now, fast forward 35 years later and you let that twist of dream guide you through all the other coming out journeys that life has …

615: Suzette Mullen – The Only Way Through Is Out

Were you raised to play it safe because you were afraid to cause others pain? Then, you decide to put on a happy face facade and instead of walking boldly through life, you held yourself back. Leaving the “unspeakable” feelings unspoken, until you finally decide to take a leap that might be your only chance …