300: How To Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind – Todd Baratz

Ah. The pursuit of love. We all want it, whether it is for a lifetime or point in time. Yet, as gay men we often lose our minds and ourselves in the pursuit of love with another man and then we wonder WTF! We’re did I go wrong, why is this happening to me, blah, …

628: Mark Pettit – Living your truth and being the ANKRBOY you were meant to be

Imagine being a young, closeted TV newscaster trying to make your way during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Then because of one innocent move out in public, your whole world shatters. Joining us today on the podcast is three-time Emmy® award-winning anchorman and best-selling author turned actor, Mark Pettit, to share his journey of …

287: Michael Andor Brodeur – The true meaning of muscle in a gay mans world

Men, muscle and masculinity. It seems to be that constant tug-of-war in our male psyche. Then add to the mix being gay, and suddenly we’re a mess. Whether you’re a muscle chaser, worshipper, or it’s not your thing, there is that swole that happens in your loins when you feast upon a man, regardless of …

615: Suzette Mullen – The Only Way Through Is Out

Were you raised to play it safe because you were afraid to cause others pain? Then, you decide to put on a happy face facade and instead of walking boldly through life, you held yourself back. Leaving the “unspeakable” feelings unspoken, until you finally decide to take a leap that might be your only chance …