Gay Men’s Coming Out Coaching

Helping men confidently come out to live their truth, their way.

You're questioning your sexuality. You're confused. You're scared.

Everyone deserves to come out in their own time and on their own terms. It doesn't matter if you're 14 or 40, the process of coming out can be frightening and feel impossible. But you don't have to do it alone…even if you’re a guy in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond.

This program is designed to give you the space to explore your sexuality. Here you get to "test" out scenarios in a judgment-free environment to see what feels right for you.

Explore The Journey To Living Your Truth

How "Coming Out" Coaching Works

I'm a straight-forward, uncomplicated guy, and here's how I see being your coach.

I want you to be with me, because you believe it's going to work for you.

It's an investment in time and money, and worthwhile if you go full in.

This won't work unless you are ready to dive in 100%.

When you commit I commit. That's my promise to you.

I'm here to listen, provide feedback, help you see the things you're not seeing, and guide you to your the answers that fit for you.

Once we have our initial discovery session, and if we determine it's a "Hell Yes," we will pick up the pace and get going. Here's what you can expect:

  • Weekly sessions via Zoom, 1 hour each, for 3 - 6 months
  • Initial "exploratory session" to "find the gaps," and explore the possibilities
  • Weekly sessions via Zoom, 1 hour each, for 3 - 6 months
  • Access to my signature 6-step No Fears, No Excuses, No Apologies system for coming out
  • Me, available to you via email, text, or Voxer

Client Testimonials

When I first contacted Rick to begin coaching sessions, I was going through the greatest crisis of my entire life… I had finally come to terms with the fact that I am gay. Rick was a tremendous support for me at that time, thoughtfully walking me through the process of understanding myself and eventually coming out to my family and friends. Rick’s approach to coaching made all the difference. He never directed me to do anything. He never gave me a recipe for how to live my life. He simply asked questions that allowed me to make my own decisions and to chart my own path. It’s been two years since I began work with Rick and I have to say, my life is completely transformed. My crisis is in the past and I have reached a place where I am profoundly happy. My relationships with my family and friends are wonderful. I am at peace with myself and I feel like I have a new direction in my life. Whatever your issues: whether they be coming out, or transitioning to a new phase of life, I highly recommend Rick and his tremendous life coaching abilities.
- Brian G.
I felt like my life was on cruise control. Moving, but no real fulfilling direction. I was a little fearful about looking deep into my life to see why I was stuck, but the thought of continuing to be stuck was worse. Rick’s provided me with powerful insights and tools to rid myself of my victim mentality. I’m extremely excited that things are looking pretty damn good!
- Client.
Throughout the 18 months I have worked with Rick, I have developed a genuine, strong, overwhelming love for myself. I no longer have an inner fight going on. I am aware of my thoughts, my actions, my choices, and the energy I put into the world. Now I am a MAN, a GAY man, who can stand up and love himself regardless of who is in the room.
- Jacob M
Rick is extremely supportive, full of love and helps you tackle and overcome obstacles in an honest and straightforward fashion. Sometimes we need someone on the outside to guide us through the process and keep us on track to reach our goals. I always feel comfortable talking with Rick, and can tell he is truly listening, cares about what I am saying and wants me to succeed.
- Randy B.

    Your Investment

    Coaching Packages require a minimum investment of

    $395 for 4, 30-minute sessions per month for, 3 month commitment


    $695 for 4, 60-minute sessions per month, for 3 month commitment

    Both programs include live 1-on-1 sessions with unlimited email and Voxer voice/texting support between sessions.

    Schedule YOur
    "Explore Coming out" Session