Gay & Bisexual Men’s Life Coaching

Empowering Gay and Bi men with the confidence to live life on their terms.

You're at a stage in life where the scene is tired and you're ready for more.

It's not uncommon for many gay men to live in adolescence through their young adulthood. But when it's time for something different - when it's time to get serious about your life - far too often, we don't have core role models or examples to follow and learn from. And many in your friend groups are in the same situation.

This program is designed to move your life forward in a big way - but on your terms. Let's discover, together, how to be your version of a successful gay man.

Start Creating Your New Life Today

Listen, if you're not happy in your life as a gay or bi man, but you're just pretending that all is good and going along with the status quo because it's what everyone around you is doing, then it's time you stopped jerking yourself off and started creating a different life for yourself.

Love & Relationships

Let's Get You:
  • Dating and mating with confidence
  • Creating friendships that matter
  • Connecting with people - no BS allowed

Career & Money

Let's Get You:
  • Defining success on your terms
  • Creating Your positive relationship with money
  • Making your career fit your life and your life fit your career

Direction & Meaning

Let's Get You:
  • Focused and clear on what lights you up
  • Living by your values not others expectations
  • Confident and in action towards your dreams

Mindful and Healthy

Let's Get You:
  • De-stressed and into a peaceful state of mind
  • Making self-care and healthy living a high priority
  • Embracing aging without regrets

"Straight" Forward Coaching

I'm a certified coach and a gay guy just like you.

I was a corporate warrior who left that world to become a successful entrepreneur - which scared the crap out of me, but I did it.

I'm also a father of two and found a way to make a long-term relationship work with my guy.

I bring all this into play as your coach as we explore what you desire to confidently create your life on your terms.

My goal is to support you in kicking ass and moving from, "Crap I'm stuck in this rut of life," to "Damn, I'm badass gay/bi guy living the turns me on!"

I'm a straight-forward, no BS kind of coach that challenges you to stop jerking yourself off, cut the lip service, and get in action - no excuses, no fears, no apologies.


Client Testimonials

When I first contacted Rick to begin coaching sessions, I was going through the greatest crisis of my entire life… I had finally come to terms with the fact that I am gay. Rick was a tremendous support for me at that time, thoughtfully walking me through the process of understanding myself and eventually coming out to my family and friends. Rick’s approach to coaching made all the difference. He never directed me to do anything. He never gave me a recipe for how to live my life. He simply asked questions that allowed me to make my own decisions and to chart my own path. It’s been two years since I began work with Rick and I have to say, my life is completely transformed. My crisis is in the past and I have reached a place where I am profoundly happy. My relationships with my family and friends are wonderful. I am at peace with myself and I feel like I have a new direction in my life. Whatever your issues: whether they be coming out, or transitioning to a new phase of life, I highly recommend Rick and his tremendous life coaching abilities.
- Brian G.
I felt like my life was on cruise control. Moving, but no real fulfilling direction. I was a little fearful about looking deep into my life to see why I was stuck, but the thought of continuing to be stuck was worse. Rick’s provided me with powerful insights and tools to rid myself of my victim mentality. I’m extremely excited that things are looking pretty damn good!
- Client.
Throughout the 18 months I have worked with Rick, I have developed a genuine, strong, overwhelming love for myself. I no longer have an inner fight going on. I am aware of my thoughts, my actions, my choices, and the energy I put into the world. Now I am a MAN, a GAY man, who can stand up and love himself regardless of who is in the room.
- Jacob M
Rick is extremely supportive, full of love and helps you tackle and overcome obstacles in an honest and straightforward fashion. Sometimes we need someone on the outside to guide us through the process and keep us on track to reach our goals. I always feel comfortable talking with Rick, and can tell he is truly listening, cares about what I am saying and wants me to succeed.
- Randy B.
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Your Coaching Options

Coaching Packages are offered as follows:

4, 30-minute sessions per month for, 3 month commitment


4, 60-minute sessions per month, for 3 month commitment

Both programs include live 1-on-1 sessions with unlimited support between sessions.

Scheduled the session below to learn more.

Schedule A "Your Next Move"
Coaching Session