40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us, and quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. Show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

Tired of pretending you've got it all figured out? Want more than the corner office prestige? So over the hook up scene? Wishing you had a relationship?

Then, 40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk is FOR YOU. This podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's  no holds barred conversations guaranteed to get you uncomfortable and comfortable in your gay self.

Get ready to strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed live and by, and get ready to dump your excuses, face your fears, and start living your life without apologies as a gay guy over 40!


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Imagine being married 3 times, and feeling on the verge of suicide, and then getting WOKE! Woke to your truth and become radically aligned to your truth about what you wanted for your life. You got specific, dumped the bullshit, set the boundaries that would save you and make you say, “Oh shit!” Welcome to...
We’re well into the first full week of January, a new year, and by now, many resolutions are out the door. But what if you started with intentions and used three words to get you there. I believe intentions are the way to get there and my buddy Chris Brogan does an exercise at the...
It’s about to be 2020. Or it might already be 2020 by the time you listen to this podcast. Instead of resolutions, how about creating a F*CK IT List to live by this year. It’s simple, it’s genuine, it’s honest, and it can be real if you put your mind to it. It’s also damn...
Faith. It’s something that guides us, gives us cause to take risks, and sometimes gets in the way of us being able to be who we are meant to be. Faith in ourselves, faith in the path, faith in our destiny. Especially when you realize that in order to come out of the closet, you...
It’s Christmas Eve, or right in the middle of Hanukkah, but regardless of where you are or holiday you celebrate, how about giving yourself some really good, non-materialistic holiday gifts this holiday season. The kind of gifts that truly improve your life and bring you peace. No more feeling the blues about these holiday gifts,...
I’ve typically had an on again, off again relationship with my Father. It’s not easy and sometimes I feel like a real asshole because I don’t’ have a great relationship with him. Then I realized, it takes two to show up in the arena to play the Father/Son game and I can only be responsible...
Guys just don’t want to admit our changing bodies. We continue to try to do the stuff we did in our 20’s, 30’s and wonder why our changing bodies won’t follow us into those places any longer. We become stubborn, ignore stuff, and before we know it, our changing bodies are saying screw you. What...
What happens when you wake up and realize that your marriage isn’t working, but you don’t hate each other – and there is clarity. Then you realize you need to feel security, so you move back to family – and there is clarity. And finally, you begin to realize you need to spread your wings...
You done a lot of things in your life. Military, been a DJ, worked in corporate America, husband, father, and then that tickle begins. You’re being called to step out of the comfort zone and do what you are called to do – be an entrepreneur in your own right. But you have to much...
You done a lot of things in your life. Military, been a DJ, worked in corporate America, husband, father, and then that tickle begins. You’re being called to step out of the comfort zone and do what you are called to do – be an entrepreneur in your own right. But you have to much...
The holidays can be a really grind or a real blast. Either way, you’re going to probably find yourself feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, and wondering how the year can already be coming to an end. This is a great time to invited your toddler self out to play. Will maybe not all play, but to...
Men have been innately raised from childhood to be self-reliant. Do it yourself. Man up. Don’t ask for help. Yet, one of the biggest downfalls of men is that we often are too self-reliant and we don’t let others in and end up becoming isolated. My friend, and a man I consider a mentor, John...
The holiday season is upon us. If you’re in the good old USA, Thanksgiving is just two days away, and poof then it will be Black Friday. Of course, if you really want to be obnoxious you will be out shopping on Thanksgiving Day, but that’s a whole other podcast, so to speak. So what...
He went from introvert to being his own version of a badass. So what caused the change? He realized that being fully expressed was more important than hiding behind a shadow of pleasing everyone else, just to not attract attention. Lou Bortone, the “Godfather of Video Marketing,” joins me with a candid talk about not...
He said, she said. It’s a part of life, and a part of this podcast as my sister – Jackie MacDougall – from another show – Forty Thrive – joins me in a true “He said, she said” moment. Well actually more than a few moments as we compare notes about what men and women...
He’s a WHORE, for PREP. A wonderful human offering responsible education about the use of PREP to prevent transmission of the HIV virus. He’s not afraid to talk about it, the use of it, nor to talk about why he uses it. He’s owning his sexual truth, sexual practices, and why feels freedom to be...
Sometimes stuff just falls out of your mouth and they you think, “Boy that was some pretty profound shit I just said!” Ever felt that? Well I did, just the other day while coaching a client. I said “If your heart’s not there, then your art’s not there!” Without heart there is no art, and...
We’re all emotional beings. Except as men we’re told not to show our emotions and then we wonder why we lack connection. What a bunch of bullshit. When we bottle up our emotions we can not connect, we men suddenly become ticking time bombs and then like a spoiled, angry brat, we explode, splashing pent...
There’s a phrase used in the gay community, “openly gay.” It’s always bugged me a little bit. Why should anyone have to be “openly” anything…except who they are. I’m exploring this thought on today’s solo podcast of life would look like for a guy to be openly… Would you be happier? More successful? Less stressed?...
Aging isn’t a disease it’s a reality and if you don’t feel it you can’t heal it, or at least that’s what therapist, actor, and podcast show host Matt Marr says. He’s the one person who can tell it like it is better than I can and when we get together behind the microphones, the...