40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us, and quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. Show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

Tired of pretending you've got it all figured out? Want more than the corner office prestige? So over the hook up scene? Wishing you had a relationship?

Then, 40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk is FOR YOU. This podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's  no holds barred conversations guaranteed to get you uncomfortable and comfortable in your gay self.

Get ready to strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed live and by, and get ready to dump your excuses, face your fears, and start living your life without apologies as a gay guy over 40!


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Today we are going to church to talk about being Christian, Gay, and a Drag Queen. And who better to discuss this topic then Jeza Belle, author of Jeza’s Jesus Juice: A Drag Queens Christian Devotional. She proves you can be Christian, gay, and a Drag Queen. Hallelujah! About Jeza Jeza Belle is a Drag...
He may be an actor, broadway star, and producer, but that doesn’t mean he is immune from the every day challenges of love, fame, and loss. In this candid interview, Kevin Spirtas shares insights of being a gay man in limelight and how he learned to unhide himself. About Kevin KEVIN SPIRTAS has become one...
Can we just talk about gay generation gaps? Why is it that the Millenials and Gen Z’s have no time for the generations that paved the way for them to be so out and proud? Well rather than pointing fingers and being bitchy, let’s enjoy stories and insights from a Late Bloomer, Baby Boomer, Author...
We all make mistakes. For some of us those mistakes are harder than others to live with, especially when that mistake will follow us for life. From his own sexual abuse at a young age, to his porn addiction, to being arrested and having to now carry the weight of being a registered offender, Allen...
Feeling a heard is one of the most critical mental health pills we can pop as humans. Yet, a growing number of people in society have no one to listen to them – especially gay men. Helping fill the void of loneliness and not being heard, Adam Lippin, founder of HearMe.app provides a solution for...
He’s 40+. He’s thriving. He’s still tackling the monsters under his own bed. But, he’s thrilled to be the gay man, artist, and creative he is, because he loves and accepts himself exactly for who he is. Gregory G. Allen, ward-winning author, screenwriter, filmmaker and actor candidly shares what he’s learned about being a gay...
It’s happening and you can’t avoid it. You’re going to age, and go gray, even as a gay man. Ok some of you may not go gray but we are all headed down the pathway of aging as gay man, but that doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Here’s my take on how to...
Feeling a sense of belonging as gay men is one of the things we struggle with the most. Using his book – Creating Belonging: A Practical Guide to Accelerate Belonging in Organizations and Communities – Justin Reinert shares how we as gay men can create a better sense of belonging for ourselves and others. About...
Breakups suck, and anyone who tells you otherwise is kidding themselves. But, they don’t have to be the thing you cling onto forever. Whether the break up is one sided, mutual, you can move on with love and understanding if you follow these 10 steps. Join Our Live 40 Plus Gay Men, Gay Talk Chats...
We’ve all felt like we’ve had “senior moments!” Yet most are actually preventable. Helping guide as aging gay men to embrace our age and our real senior moments id Stan Goldberg – ally to the LGBTQ community who guides us on how to Prevent our Senior Moments as he shares his book by the same...
Here we are. Almost the end of February, and what have you done this year to be happier and more productive as a gay man? Nothing? Or are you stuck in the hamster wheel of, “I’ll get to it next week!” Take 20 minutes and listen to my thoughts on 10 Things You Can Do...
How do you do an open relationship? Should you do an open relationship? Why do gay men consider open relationships? These and many other questions are answered today with open relationship expert Dr. Joli Hamilton who uncomplicates the complicated. About Joli Dr. Joli Hamilton is the relationship coach for couples who color outside the lines....
From Mormon Missionary to Med Student to Porn Start Empire Owner, Legrand Wolf believes that the more we normalize the world of porn and adult entertainment and all if it’s fantasies and fetishes, the more we help the planet be more accepting of the LGBTQ+ individuals. Listen to this captivating conversation and even if you...
Instead of shaming sex and erotic pleasure, what if we as gay men embraced it as a conscious way of being present in our lives. Of, celebrating the truth of who we are at our core – sexual, erotic beings, who delight in the power of pleasure with joy. The world would be a different...
Being out and proud is one of the most freeing and liberating experiences a gay man can experience. But, what if you work in a heteronormative, uber masculine industry like construction? How out can you be? Well today’s guest says, “As out as you choose to be!” Tommy Whitehead is a licensed contractor and runs...
As gay men, we get in our own way. Yes, all the time. Yes! And, then we wonder why it is so messy, messy, messy. In his new, social media personalty MJ Harris, guides us as gay men to GET THE F*CK OUT YOUR OWN WAY: A Guide to Letting Go of the Sh*t that’s...
Maintaining our health as gay men is a matrix. From erectile dysfunction, to weight loss, cardio health, and everything in between, it can be a complex journey to optimal health. Yet, what can happen when we engage beyond the normally prescribed medical protocols and guidance to lean into our optimal health? Sean Fitzgerald, a leading...
It’s the new year. And in this new year what would happen if you made integrity, and not just integrity, but you committed to living a life of radical integrity, “What might be different?” Author, soul coach, and body-centered therapist River Faire shares how his life of radical integrity has changed his life for the...
This is not a New Year’s Resolution podcast. It is a come to Jesus podcast with you and yourself. But first, Happy New Year. Now that we have that out of the way, what are you willing to do this coming year, for you, to make you better, happier, more successful, more content? It all...
Being out and proud is one of the most freeing and liberating experiences an LGBTQ person can experience. It can also create anxiety on how out you can be in certain situations – like work! Could you lose your job, experience discrimination, or maybe just feel like you can’t be fully yourself in the work...