40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us. Quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. It's time for you to own up, man up, and show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

If you feel vulnerable, be vulnerable. Tired of carry pretending you've got it all figured out, then stop. Want more than the corner office prestige? Tired of the constant hooking up or lack of sex? Wishing you had a relationship, but never getting there? Then do something about it that is more than fabulous lip service.

It's time for you to make your bold move, stop sugar coating your bullshit, ask for help, take some scary risks, go ahead and wallow in the unknown, and start living life on your terms.

40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk. The podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's a no holds barred approach guaranteed to get you uncomfortable in your gay self, so you can strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed by in the world.

It's a no excuses, no fears, no apologies approach to for being a gay guy over 40!


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Judson Brandeis Image
What can we learn from those that have passed on? Whether it be a pet, a family member, or even a spouses former partner, if we tune in to the essence of those who are no longer with us, we might just learn something about living life now. Author Rob Gutro shares his unique gift...
It hits. The big 4-0, and then something even worse happens and no one can quite believe how that happened to you, and when it happened to you on your 40th birthday. (You’ll have to listen to the podcast and read the book to discover what). From that moment on you realize, you are on...
Finding yourself, reaching deep into the essence of who you are as a gay man, is a lifelong journey. Yet, with the right tools and guidance, your journey can be enhanced, and discoveries of clarity and consciousness can be achieved, sooner rather than later. Rob Grover and Gary Logan, founders of The Journeymen Collective share...
You reach a point in life where you realize that you gotta be how you want to be, and do what ya gotta do. For over 30 years Bob Bolyard, a.k.a. as Amber LeMay has been providing entertainment, support, and raising money, not just for the LGBTQ+ community but in the world at large, and...
If you are tired of not living your dreams as a gay man, maybe you aren’t activating them on a regular basis. Producer, songwriter, Founder of The Gray Rainbow Foundation, and soon to be bar owner, Michael Crawford shares his journey to living his best life as a gay man following his passion, purpose, and...
Nothing says guilt, shame, and anxiety than being a gay man who had to hide who you are for years – regardless of how many years you’ve hid your truth. And, it doesn’t matter what that truth is – lack of confidence, fear of coming out, trusting you can get that promotion, or even wanting...
If you find yourself often hiding yourself, then now’s the time to stop doing that. Writer, screenwriter, film producer Bill Robertson shares his journey as a gay man, and how he learned the value of never stopping being yourself. He also shares about his new book, Uncle Bill’s Animal Tales: Life Lessons For Adults. About...
From an early age he knew he was different, and that never stopped him from being who he is as a gay man. He continues to let his gay light come out of the closet while also staying very true to how he lives his life on his terms as a gay man in everything...
Many gay men, navigate the inevitable question of “How do I show up at work, and as a leader, while still being true to myself as a gay man?” The answer, “Your way, on your terms!” Jim Fielding, author of ALL PRIDE, NO EGO: A Queer Executive’s Journey to Living and Leading Authentically, shares his...
Moving right along in PRIDE Month, we take the letter “D” in PRIDE and explore the Dignity, Dedication, and Daring it takes today and every day to stay the course as gay men in a straight man’s world. Hold the course gents. We’ve got this as long as we are willing to stay the course...
We continue the PRIDE Celebration focusing on the Letter “I” in pride by exploring how to illuminate, inspire, and ignite ourselves into the world to live fully as gay men – no fears, no excuses, and no apologies. Happy pride! Make sure you show your pride by illuminating your brilliance, inspiring others to do the...
Continuing our PRIDE Month Celebration, we take the Letter “R” in pride and unravel the significance of being resilient, remarkable, and reconnecting the the heart and soul of who we are as gay men. Happy Pride gents! Join Our Live 40 Plus Gay Men, Gay Talk Chats The third Monday of each month at 5:00...
It’s pride month and all this month we are waving our flags and celebrating you – gay men and the PRIDE it takes to be a gay man in our society. Today we kick off the month by look at the Letter “P” in PRIDE and the Purpose, Passion, and Path coming out and being...
So many gay men struggle to find their passion, purpose, and to be happy. But, why? It’s actually quite simple. They do nothing. They try a little, don’t get the quick fix, and then give up. Harker Jones has never given up, but that’s not the only reason he has constantly lived in his passion....
Our gay culture has labels for everything – Twink, Side, Daddy, Top, Otter and even Bears – Oh My. Yet, we often allow these labels to hold us back from believing we don’t fit in, and even worse that we shouldn’t love ourselves – just as we are. This candid conversation with Jon Fischer (Coach...
If the polarization in America, and across the globe has taught us anything, it is empathy and understanding goes along way. Yet, we don’t seem to practice this very well in our gay culture. It’s time guys to give each other a break and quit being so judgemental. Accept each other as we are and...
The battle of the bulge. It confronts you everytime you sit down to eat, sneak that snack, look in the mirror – if you even look in the mirror, and all you can think is “What’s the point?” The point is YOU. You are worthing of being your best self in a way that aligns...
Instead of embracing our deeper selves as gay men, we often allow our “rejectionist mentality” to show up and turn that dimmer switch down on our life. But what would happen if you put on your drag face and became fierce to willfully live out loud as a gay man over 40. Guiding us with...
If you are tired of shoving your sexual curiosity into the closet, then today’s podcast is for you. No more need for shame around being a sexualy, erotic, intimate being. Those are all elements of who we are as human beings and those beautiful characteristics show up for all of us in different ways. Guiding...
If you don’t bank on yourself, nobody else will. That’s just a life truth. We put so much effort getting others to love, trust, like, and support us, but if you ignore the beautiful bank account of you you are destined to fail and be miserable. Let’s course correct that starting today. BANK ON YOU!...