40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us, and quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. Show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

Tired of pretending you've got it all figured out? Want more than the corner office prestige? So over the hook up scene? Wishing you had a relationship?

Then, 40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk is FOR YOU. This podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's  no holds barred conversations guaranteed to get you uncomfortable and comfortable in your gay self.

Get ready to strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed live and by, and get ready to dump your excuses, face your fears, and start living your life without apologies as a gay guy over 40!


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If you are tired of shoving your sexual curiosity into the closet, then today’s podcast is for you. No more need for shame around being a sexualy, erotic, intimate being. Those are all elements of who we are as human beings and those beautiful characteristics show up for all of us in different ways. Guiding...
If you don’t bank on yourself, nobody else will. That’s just a life truth. We put so much effort getting others to love, trust, like, and support us, but if you ignore the beautiful bank account of you you are destined to fail and be miserable. Let’s course correct that starting today. BANK ON YOU!...
Sex, queer, and Christian. For some people those three just don’t go together. However, if we are made in the image of God, does that mean…??? Unraveling this interesting construct of Christianity, Sexuality, and Sex, is Jon Carl Lewis, founder of Sex & The Queer Christian community. In this candid conversation we discuss this interesting...
For most gay guys, especially once you hit your 40’s, you’re looking to date and hopefully mate. Yet, it can be so exhausting and discouraging unless you learn to date with dignity and not from a place of drudgery. Here’s some tips for getting there and loving yourself along the way. Join Our Live 40...
One of the hardest things to do as a gay guy over 40 is to accept that you are a gay guy over 40. Then add the battle of the bulge, the changing “what you can eat without putting on the pounds,” and suddenly life SUCKS! Here’ to guide us through some Over 40 Fitness...
Imagine that you have waiting all these years to finally be yourself. Over 50+ years to truthful. Finally the day comes and you feel alive and finally on your way. But wait, the universe had another road for you to tow. But does that stop you? Maybe, but as today’s guest shares, avid listener John...
Making your way through life as a gay man can be challenging. Then finding the right support whether that be for your mental, physical, or spiritual health can be even more challenging. Realizing this was a common issue for so many gay men, Peter DeWitt, founded Gay Wellness – a one-stop hub for finding therapists,...
Imagine, activating your life force by being 100% comfortable in your erotic self. Genuinely connecting your heart and your genitals in a way that makes you feel aligned, and alive in a way that is a work of love. Helping us embrace our sexual energy is Craig Cullinane, embodiment coach and former Director of the...
He looks normal, acts normal, and just wants to be loved like any other gay guy. But, he has a disability and as soon as he shares that with a guy he’s interested in dating, the pull a Houdini and disappear. Why? Because they feel he’s damaged goods. Today we explore the trials and tribulations...
There are many things that can get in the way of gay men finding their man. Not knowing where to look, settling for hook-ups, and confidence to name a few. But these two things are the most common reasons that gay men can’t find the right love with the right guy. But you’re going to...
It’s really easy to get bitchy with each other in our gay male community. Whether it is on the apps, in relationships, or when we are trying to come out. But what would happen if we worked on the big “E” and I’m not talking about erections. Instead, imagine using EMPATHY to better understand each...
Great sex. Fun Sex. Sex on your terms, your way. Why is that so hard for so many gay guys to achieve? Because of shame, shame, shame about sex and asking for what you want, not only in sex, but in life. We’re breaking the shame game today and inviting you to let your sexual...
Debt. Most Americans, and many, many, many gay men have it. Why? Because we want to live a fabulous life and then we end up fabulously in debt. No fun at all. I know. Been there done that a couple of times. So how do you manage all this and do it with fabulous gay...
I want more. I want to be better. I need something different in my life. Ok, cool. But do you get so obsessed about that as a gay man that you never get where you are going, or get what you are trying to achieve? Well then this podcast can guide get more, better, different...
Whether it is better sexual health – rock hard erections, stamina, or screwing like a porn star – most gay men want great sex but do they do what they need to do for better sexual health. The answer is “NO!” Here to guide towards better habits and practices, is Dr. Judson Brandeis, Top Urologist...
New Years is just two days away and while we could do, “Tips for making the most of your New Year,” instead let’s declutter our lives so we can have a great start for making the most of our new year. Here’s a no bullcrap way of getting the junk out of your life so...
Instead of getting caught up in your gay life that doesn’t please or serve you, go have a stroke. Actually don’t. I speak from experience in this podcast about how to stroke other things in life to bring you happiness, rather than dealing with a stroke. Just make sure what you are stroking pays off,...
Your partner has cancer, then recovers. Then you have cancer, and recover. Then your partner and pets both pass on. All of this while lovely COVID is reeking havoc on the planet. How do you thrive through this much turmoil? You trust the process and see the beauty in the challenges. Avid listener and beautiful...
If I make them happy, then I will be liked. Or even better, if I do this for them then they will do something nice for me. Sound familiar? It’s call being a pleaser and as gay men, we have tried to please everyone else, hiding our true self, and then when we come out,...
Authenticity is one of those words that can be cringe or cult worthy. For most gay men, it is something that we all struggle with as we battle the demon of “that’s not what you’re supposed to be.” Let’s end that battle and look at authenticity through the lens of how you define it, and...