40+ Gay Men. Gay Talk.

What you should be talking about, but aren't.

Be The Gay Man You Are.
No Excuses,
No Fears,
No Apologies.

Let's get real. Dump the gay stereotypes that society has thrown on us, and quit following the rules of what being a "gay man" is supposed to be. Show up the way that you're meant to...your way!

Tired of pretending you've got it all figured out? Want more than the corner office prestige? So over the hook up scene? Wishing you had a relationship?

Then, 40 Plus: Gay Men. Gay Talk is FOR YOU. This podcast where being naked with ourselves get's us off in life, not just in the moment.

Each week, host Rick Clemons, dives in with raw, real talk about gay men's man junk, and yes, every once in awhile we will even talk about that junk between your legs. From sex and relationships, to fears and vulnerabilities, career challenges to body image, it's  no holds barred conversations guaranteed to get you uncomfortable and comfortable in your gay self.

Get ready to strip away the toxic, stereotypical rules we gay guys think we're supposed live and by, and get ready to dump your excuses, face your fears, and start living your life without apologies as a gay guy over 40!


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Roles, roles, roles. Everyone wants us to play some role so that it makes it easier to relate to them. We all do it, and don’t say you don’t. Yet, as gay men, we feel like we have to fit into some constrained role to make our gay lives work…or do we. We’re rolling out...
Valentine’s Day is just a few days away. So let’s start crying the blues about what sucks about being a gay man and no one to love. Nah. Let’s not do that. Let’s talk about the challenges of not having someone to love but what we can do to be more in love with our...
How do you as a gay man, conquer the confidence conundrum? we say the last part of that question 3 times really fast, and if you can say that, you’ve got confidence! Just kidding. But, gaining/finding confidence as a gay man, is about as close as grabbing your middle leg and stroking it to life....
The clothes are coming off. Your heart’s racing and an appendage is growing, and you can’t wait to touch him and have him touch you. Then your head – the one above your shoulders starts creating a story that – you’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good – buddy you’re no good at...
The biggest question I get asked, by guys coming out of the closet, is not how do you take a big penis, it’s how do you do gay? Ok, maybe the penis question comes up to, but today we’re exploring how you do gay, whether you’ve been out since you were a teen or just...
OMG. My penis no longer works, and my prostate no longer feels pleasure. My life is over! That may be the way it seems, but does having and living with prostate cancer mean, your life is over as a gay man? No! Just ask today’s guest, Kenneth A. Johnson. He’s living his life to its...
It’s the beginning of the year, and what do you want to do with this year? I don’t know! What do you want from this year? I don’t know! What would make you feel fulfilled this year? I don’t know! Fine, then sit on your little victim, wandering in the desert of your lost life,...
Do not set a New Year’s Resolution. Do not head out to that party dreading the start of another year. Do not do anything that you do not plan to do without a solid INTENTION. That’s my advice for this coming year, and every year. And, here’s how you do a new year filled with...
You’re running yourself ragged, trying to get all the right gifts for everyone. But, what have you done for you? What gift are you going to give yourself? And don’t go saying, “That’s so selfish!” There’s nothing selfish about giving yourself a gift this holiday season, and here’s a few gifts you should consider. Hey...
Religious trauma. Seems to be the norm for a majority of LGBTQ people that you encoutner. “You’re damned to hell!” or “You’re a sinner!” Of course most those people hurling those words for get that they’re divorced (a sin), have committed adultery (a sin), have eaten pig (a sin), worn woven fabrics (a sin), but...
What if there were no Grindr, Scruff, Adam4Adam? What would you do? Get out and meet guys? Resort to hooking up in the back of bars or restrooms? Or Isolating? Regardless of what you use the in-your-hand apps for, your world may just come to an end…or would it? That’s what we’re exploring today on...
From a young age, the fear of God caused him to tremble in his boots about his secret. Then, in his 40’s he could no longer live within that secret, and he realized he had to be who he was, a gay man. Then he made national headlines by taking a stand as a gay...
We’re coming into the home stretch of the year and it’s – HOLIDAY TIME! Don’t freak out, don’t put pressure on yourself, and please don’t try to please everyone. OK, EASIER SAID THAN DONE. However, you can have a peaceful holiday season in your gay life by following a few of these tips, without being...
You want a man, and you want him to be perfect. Really? Maybe you should be looking in the mirror. For every expectation you put on your man you better be ready to put it on yourself. It’s time to stop killing your relationship with expectations that probably are extreme or out of reach. Take...
As a gay man do you find yourself constantly looking for answers, and then getting frustrated because they aren’t right there in front of you? What if they are but you just simply haven’t dug deep within yourself enough to find them? Take a little journey with fellow Life Coach – Ed Wilson – as...
There isn’t a gay man alive who hasn’t hated on himself or another gay man. Sometimes, we do it subconsciously and don’t even realize what an ass we’re being. It’s ok, society groomed us this way. So let’s break that internalized homophobia and start loving ourselves and each other just as we are as gay...
We’re all perfectly imperfect. But for gay men, perfection seems to be a futile pursuit – perfect abs, ass, chest, smile, bank account, material things…the list goes on. But when it comes to our bodies and our body image, we can be evil bitches to ourselves with a capital “B.” It’s time to start loving...
Sex, laughter, sex, love, sex, money. That’s all it takes to make a healthy gay relationship work. If you believe that I’ve got a bottle of Clorox for you to fight COVID too. Truth is, it takes a lot of patience, understanding, and sex to make your gay relationship work. Here’s a few tips on...
LGBTQ people are 9-10 times more likely to addicted to sex, drugs, alcohol or food. Why? For many reasons, but the most obvious reason is we’ve been shamed into submission for not being good enough. It’s time for that shame to end and to demystify the pathway to treatment and recovery from whatever your addiction...
This man-to-man connecting, dating, mating, and relating, is so damn hard. Or is it? It can be if the effort isn’t there, but it does take effort in all the right places. It may even take work, but when you invest in the relating and connecting the dividends can pay off for you in your...